NYMC Faculty Publications

Chatbots, Generative Ai, and Scholarly Manuscripts: Wame Recommendations on Chatbots and Generative Artificial Intelligence in Relation to Scholarly Publications


Chris Zielinski, Vice President, WAME; Centre for Global Health, University of Winchester, UK.
Margaret A. Winker, Trustee, WAME; USA.
Rakesh Aggarwal, President, WAME; Associate Editor, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Director, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry, India.
Lorraine E. Ferris, Trustee, WAME; Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Canada.
Markus Heinemann, Treasurer, WAME; Editor-in-Chief, The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, Professor, Universitaetsmedizin Mainz, Germany.
Jose Florencio Lapeña, Secretary, WAME; Editor-in-Chief, Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery; Professor, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines.
Sanjay A. Pai, Director, WAME; Working Committee, The National Medical Journal of India, India.
Edsel Ing, Director, WAME; Section Editor, Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology; Professor, University of Toronto and University of Alberta, Canada.
Leslie Citrome, Director, WAME; Editor-in-Chief, Current Medical Research and Opinion; Topic Editor for Psychiatry for Clinical Therapeutics; Clinical Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, New York Medical College, USA.
Murad Alam, Director, WAME; Editor-in-Chief, Archives of Dermatological Research; Professor, Northwestern University, USA.
Michael Voight, Director, WAME; Executive Editor-in-Chief; International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy; Professor, Belmont University School of Physical Therapy, USA.
Farrokh Habibzadeh, Past President, WAME; Editorial Consultant, The Lancet; Associate Editor, Frontiers in Epidemiology; Iran.

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Journal Title

Colombia Medica

First Page


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Publication Date



Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences


This statement revises our earlier "WAME Recommendations on ChatGPT and Chatbots in Relation to Scholarly Publications" (January 20, 2023). The revision reflects the proliferation of chatbots and their expanding use in scholarly publishing over the last few months, as well as emerging concerns regarding lack of authenticity of content when using chatbots. These recommendations are intended to inform editors and help them develop policies for the use of chatbots in papers published in their journals. They aim to help authors and reviewers understand how best to attribute the use of chatbots in their work and to address the need for all journal editors to have access to manuscript screening tools. In this rapidly evolving field, we will continue to modify these recommendations as the software and its applications develop.

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