The Touro Teacher
Volume 1 Spring 2017
Section I: Autism and Special Education
Autism Throughout the Years
Aliza Bell
The Evolution of Autism
Shuli Finkelman
Special Education
Chana Winner
Section II: Curriculum and Instruction
Curriculum Through the Ages
Yehudis Schwartz
The History of American Mathematics Education
Rivka Schreier
Standardized Testing with a Focus on the Common Core Curriculum
Dina T. Beck-Billig
Debbie Hoffman
Section III: Women's Education
The Evolution of Women's Education
Merav Batya Shitrit
Women and Education through the Ages
Tracie Kassai
Editor and Advisor
- Editor
- Tamar Gomez
- Faculty Advisor
- Dr. Avi Brezak, Chair of Undergraduate Education & Special Education