Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Education (MEd)

MA Concentration

Educational Technology


Pamela A. Redmond, Susan Craig, Jim O'Connor


The concept of the hybrid classroom format is not new to education and has connections to early education in the United States where it was commonly referred to as distance learning. The modern hybrid classroom is being extended beyond the historical format into everyday education throughout all grade levels. Educators are seeing the hybrid method as a way to encourage students to make decisions when it comes to learning, motivate students and families alike to participate in the learning process, and allow students to relate their learning to real-life situations, gaining more in-depth content development and learning (Doering & Veletsianos, 2008). Many educators in various grade levels are adopting the hybrid learning classroom and having great success. They are able to cover more material to meet the ever-growing state standards and leading sh1dents to learning and retaining information while also increasing student attendance. A summer school earth science remediation course has been researched and designed in a hybrid format to aid educators and schools. It includes assignment examples and a Moodle template in an effort to promote a different learning environment for students who have failed in a traditional setting.
