Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Arts in Education (MA)

MA Concentration

Teaching and Learning


Learning styles, course evaluation, metacognition, one on one learning


Linda Haymes, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


In an atypical learning environment, students were surveyed about their preferred learning styles, among other questions, upon admission. The same students were later surveyed at the end of each course, each semester. This study sought to compare students metacognitive responses on learning styles and teaching techniques in their entry and exit surveys. Also, it sought to investigate the teaching techniques that worked best for the students as described in the exit surveys as well as their suggestions for improvement. Free responses were coded into learning style groupings and compared to the entry survey responses. Upon entry, students rated multimodal and kinesthetic learning highest. Exit survey responses showed that the teaching techniques that worked best were allowing opportunity for mastery followed closely by multimodal teaching. Using visuals, discussion, and writing also ranked highly. Kinesthetic learning was mentioned least when responding to the techniques that worked best for the students during the semester. Additionally, when given the opportunity a little over 80% of students said there was nothing different their teacher could have done to help them learn more easily.
