NYMC Faculty Publications

Relationship of Human Macrophage Agglutination Factor to Other Fibronectins

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Publication Date

July 1989


Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology


Human macrophage agglutination factor (MAggF) is a lymphokine with a number of biochemical and immunochemical similarities to the fibronectins (FN). The present study was undertaken to define this relationship more exactly. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and cloned human CD4+T-cell lines synthesized both MAggF and immunoreactive FN de novo following antigen or mitogen activation. MAggF produced under those conditions co-purified with an immunoreactive FN on gelatin-affinity and gel-filtration chromatography. This FN had a consistently slightly smaller relative molecular mass than plasma FN on both immunoblotting and gel filtration. Purified human MAggF was extremely active: it agglutinated human monocytes at fM concentrations and was up to 2,000,000 times more active in agglutinating mononuclear phagocytes than other purified FN. The action of MAggF on monocytes was dependent on at least two antigenically distinct cell-surface FN receptors. We suggest that the extreme activity of MAggF is a result of co-operative interactions between FN domains on the MAggF molecules and multiple distinct classes of FN receptors on responding cells.

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