Frequently Asked Questions

What is the procedure for faculty publications to be uploaded to Touro Scholar?

If the item was published recently:
Submit the fully published item to the Faculty Focus Newsletter (note that prepublication and preprint items are not accepted). Any item published in the Faculty Focus Newsletter will automatically be evaluated for inclusion in the Touro Scholar and the yearly Faculty Publications Book, so long as it meets the Inclusion Criteria. If you are unsure how to submit to Faculty Focus, please contact us.

If the item is older:
  1. Check that the item meets the Inclusion Criteria and that the item doesn't already exist on Touro Scholar (by using the search feature).
  2. Fill out the appropriate form on the Submit Research page.
  3. If the item is available online, ensure that you put a URL or DOI in the field that appears when you select "Link out to file on remote site" (pictured below).
Example of linking out to a URL

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You fully retain your copyright, as detailed in our author agreement. We do not ask you to transfer any of your exclusive rights to us. For more information, please contact us.

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Please check your publishing agreement for this information.

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Can I restrict access to my work?

Yes, we can restrict access to your work so it is only viewable by those within the Touro College & University System.

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What if my work is under an embargo period?

Please indicate the extent of the embargo period in the submission form. We respect all embargo periods and will restrict access to the full text of the work until the period expires.

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What if I want to take down my work?

Please contact us with the reason why you would like to remove the item. We will work with you to determine the best course of action, whether that involves modifying the item or withdrawing the record completely.

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What is open access?

SPARC defines open access (OA) as "the free, immediate, online availability of research articles combined with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment." For more, see Touro Scholar's About Page.

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What is a Creative Commons license?

See our Creative Commons LibGuide.

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