NYMC Faculty Publications

Experimental Production of the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Muscular Power Evaluation Device using an Air-Type Automatic Analysis System



Journal Title

Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research

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Family and Community Medicine


As Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (originated and founded by Prof. Y. Omura in New York, 1997-2020; follow as BDORT)is a diagnosis method that is carried out on the basic theory of the physiological phenomenon called the decline of muscular power of fingers, the examiner, and patients (or mediator) are demanded to do BDORT by constant regular power. Namely BDORT is a diagnosis method that estimates the relative muscular decline of the patients, so there is such a view that the results of BDORT are reflected by consciousness of the examiner. The authors used the ORT tester by using air system to avoid the influence of electromagnetic wave and evaluated the decline of the muscle strength and open degree of the O-ring shaped by the patients. Patients of the Shimotsuura Clinic are subjected and checked by direct BDORT method. When the patients shapes the O-Ring, staff members stimulated the parts of the body by plastic stick and push foot switch. Decline of the muscle strength & open degree was evaluated. When the open degree was more than 20%, stimulated points were evaluated as abnormal. Opposite side arm of the O-Ring shaped arm was checked as control. The results of the direct BDORT method between ORT evaluation apparatus and the patient was consistent with the results of the indirect method of BDORT method between the doctor and the assistant. Even where the patients complain of ill, the muscle strength was declined and opened the O-Ring by using ORT evaluation apparatus. Especially in the parts of the strong response of Integrin α5β1 checked by the doctor, the muscle strength decreased and the open degree was much higher than other parts of the body. Patients could experience of BDORT by numeral objective evaluation of the decline of the muscle strength by using ORT evaluation apparatus.

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