NYMC Faculty Publications

Nonpharmacologic Treatment for Heart Failure: A Review of Implantable Carotid Baroreceptor Stimulators As a Therapeutic Option

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Journal Title

Cardiology in Review

First Page


Last Page


Document Type

Review Article

Publication Date





There has been significant interest in research for the development of device-based therapy as a treatment option of heart failure (HF), whether it is with reduced or preserved ejection fraction. This is due to the high morbidity and mortality rate in patients with HF despite recent advances in pharmacologic treatment. Following the success of cardiac resynchronization therapy, baroreceptor activation therapy has emerged as another novel device-based treatment for HF. The Barostim neo was developed by CVRx Minneapolis, MN for the treatment of mild to severe HF. The device works by electrically activating the baroreceptor reflex with the goal to restore the maladaptive autonomic imbalance that is seen in patients with HF. Preliminary clinical investigations have given promising results with an encouraging safety profile. Baroreceptor activation therapy as a treatment option is still investigational at this time; however, several trials in different patient populations have already shown benefit with a very good safety profile. In this review, we will summarize the current state of technology and the available literature of the use of baroreceptor activation therapy in patients with different comorbidities, with a focus on this device-based therapy in patients with HF.
