NYMC Faculty Publications

No Pelvic Exam, No Problem: Patient Satisfaction Following the Integration of Comprehensive Urogynecology Telemedicine

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Journal Title

International Urogynecology Journal

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INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: The COVID-19 pandemic revolutionized the practice of medicine, requiring rapid adoption of telemedicine. However, patient satisfaction has not been well characterized for telemedicine visits for a broad range of urogynecologic conditions. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional survey study following a retrospective review of all urogynecologic telemedicine visits from March 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021, at a tertiary care center. The survey queried patient satisfaction using the Likert scale. Descriptive statistics and Fisher's exact analyses were performed. RESULTS: There were 256 telemedicine visits at our institution during the study period, and 88 patients (34% unadjusted response rate) completed the survey. The average age of study participants was 55 (SD 17; 24, 84) years old. The majority of patients were white (69%), lived within the five boroughs of NYC (81%), and had higher levels of education (72% with a bachelor's or professional degree). Most visits were for urinary complaints (68%), with those patients reporting greater fulfillment of urogynecologic needs compared to patients presenting with pelvic complaints (p = 0.02). There were no significant differences in satisfaction among other demographics (p > 0.05). Altogether, high satisfaction rates were noted for scheduling (99%), technology (90%), provider interaction (96%), fulfillment of personal needs (91%), and overall satisfaction (94%). CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate high patient satisfaction for telemedicine visits in a tertiary urogynecology clinic for a variety of indications, with greater fulfillment of urogynecologic needs observed for those visits which may not necessitate an in-person exam (e.g., urinary complaint).
