
The Science Journal of the Lander College of Arts and Sciences


In the developed world, the trend toward women of advanced age bearing children is very prevalent and seems likely to continue. For a variety of reasons, women are delaying pregnancy until 35 years and older when they suddenly seem keenly aware that their biological clocks are ticking. A review of various studies obtained from the Proquest and EBSCO databases indicates that there are definitely certain risks associated with advanced maternal age (AMA). As females age, the reduced number and quality of their remaining eggs contribute to reduced fertility. Congenital anomalies involving the number of chromosomes in the embryo increases as well. The risk of miscarriage gradually climbs with the mother’s age and stillbirth is more likely than in younger women. The health of the older women prior to pregnancy is often compromised and birth-related complications are more common. Studies of mice have shown that maternal age influences the structure and functionality of the uterus. It has been suggested that delayed childbearing has an effect on the gene frequency in the general population since the zygotes best able to adapt to the Advanced Maternal Age (AMA) uterine environment were favored (Gloria-Bottini et al., 2005). Although women who postpone parenthood should take the increased risks into account, findings suggest that maternal age, per se, should not be a deterring factor when considering bearing a child. Individual health circumstances and behavioral choices are more important than age. With proper prenatal counselling and care, AMA women can hope to have normal pregnancies and deliver healthy babies.



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