The Science Journal of the Lander College of Arts and Sciences
As an ever-progressing field of study, vaccine development has made headway over the past decades. By doing a comparative study between development of the measles vaccine in the mid-20th century, and the ongoing development of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2020, many of the insights and advancements in the field can be easily highlighted. First, the knowledge and experience gained over those decades has helped the vaccine developing process become more efficient. With more vaccines in production, or at least under study, it is more likely to have a related precedent to build upon, as opposed to relying on a successful vaccine of some unrelated disease. More to the point, different vaccine types have altered the way researchers attempt to formulate future vaccines. No longer are inactivated and attenuated vaccines the only option; subunit vaccines, as well as innovative, (though yet to be proven), nucleic acid vaccines are now additional approaches. These advancements have opened doors for researchers in their quest to fight diseases. This paper will explore the advancements and their impact on the present-day COVID-19 vaccine development.
Recommended Citation
Ziegler, S. (2020). Advancements in Vaccine Development: Measles vs. COVID-19. The Science Journal of the Lander College of Arts and Sciences, 14(1), 73-78. Retrieved from