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General Psychiatry




Postpartum psychosis is a condition characterised by rapid onset of psychotic symptoms several weeks after childbirth. Outside of its timing and descriptions of psychotic features, minimal research exists due to its relative rarity (1 to 2 per 1000 births in the USA), with greater emphasis on postpartum sadness and depression. With the existing literature, cultural differences and language barriers previously have not been taken into consideration as there are no documented cases of postpartum psychosis in a non-English-speaking patient. Correctly differentiating postpartum psychosis from other postpartum psychiatric disorders requires adeptly evaluating for the presence of psychotic symptoms with in-depth history taking. Here, we present a case of postpartum psychosis in a Japanese-speaking only patient, with an associated clinical course and culturally appropriate approach to treatment. A review of postpartum psychosis and language/cultural considerations are also discussed, with attention on the Japanese concept of 'Satogaeri bunben'.

Publisher's Statement

This article has been accepted for publication in General Psychiatry, 32(3) following peer review and can also be accessed online at

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License



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