Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Arts in Education (MA)

MA Concentration

Special Education Autism Spectrum Disorder


Linda Haymes, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


This project was designed to discover if teaching a student with autism spectrum disability (ASD) how to lead an IEP meeting would increase the students self-determination. Self-determination is described as the ability to make choices for ones-self in all areas of life; academics, living, transportation and employment (Wehmeyer, 1999). The study involved a pre assessment intervention, and post assessment. The intervention included the student researching his disability, the components of an IEP, participating in a mock IEP meeting and finally running his own IEP meeting. The assessment used was The Arc's Self-Determination Scale which is a student self-report measure of self-determination designed for use by adolescents with disabilities, particularly students with mild mental retardation and learning disabilities. The assessment evaluated four areas to determine self-determination; autonomy, self-regulation, psychological empowerment and self-realization. The outcome of the intervention showed a decline in the scores which could have been because of the lack time and using only one student to use the intervention with. In the future providing more time and using more students would produce more accurate results.

Hinesley, Thomas Poster.pdf (356 kB)
