Discourses on Business Education at the College Level: On the Boundaries of Content and Praxis

Discourses on Business Education at the College Level: On the Boundaries of Content and Praxis

Sabra E. Brock, Touro College
Peter J. McAliney

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Drawing from doctoral-level research on how best to teach business education in college, Discourses on Business Education at the College Level illustrates new and proven ideas for engaging students. Sixteen authors from New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development describe their experiences in upgrading and expanding the quality of the business education experience. Business school instructors can use this edited collection to draw inspiration and learn specific techniques to bring their courses to the cutting edge of curriculum. Topics range from teaching accounting, financial literacy, marketing, and teamwork to gamification, improving international student and intern experience, not-for-credit education, and virtual workplace learning.