Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Graduate School of Education


Facilitated by Rick Ferdig of Kent State University and editor of JTATE, this Symposia brings together the work of the K-12 Online Learning SIG and the Distance Learning SIG communities and focuses on presentations from scholars in the field whose work has implications for both higher education and K-12 online learning. This Symposia will have nine panelists who will each present their work and then talk specifically about how their work can inform both K-12 and HE. Included in the list of Higher Education-focused panelists are Trisha Litz of Regis University, Maggie Niess of Oregon State University, Antoinette Davis of Eastern Kentucky University, and David Marcovitz of Loyola University Maryland. Included in the list of K-12-focused panelists are Leanna Archambault of Arizona State University, Kerry Rice of Boise State University, Michael Barbour of Touro University, Amy Garrett Dikkers of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and Aimee Whiteside of the University of Tampa.


Please see the work itself for the complete list of authors.

Barbour_Michael_SITE_PPT.pptx (8646 kB)
PowerPoint Presentation

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© 2017 AACE. Reprinted with permission of the publisher. The original material can be found here.



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