Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Graduate School of Education
Like many K-12 online learning programs, the Illinois Virtual High School (IVHS) began by utilizing vendor content to populate its online courses. In its fourth year, the IVHS began a concerted effort to design more of its own online course content internally. The aim of this chapter was to examine the support needed and application of tools used by IVHS course developers. The data consisted of a two-part, web-based survey and telephone interviews that were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inductive analysis. The results showed these developers had a strong desire to use interactive elements in their course as well as working in cooperative teams. Further, developers were opposed to using a forced template, but indicated a need for general structural guidance and additional professional development. Finally, developers recommended that subject matter teacher-developers and multimedia specialists be split into two separate roles, and these individuals work together as a part of a team. Further research should be conducted on the intended use of technology tools requested.
Recommended Citation
Barbour, M. K., Adelstein, D., & Morrison, J. (2018). Still forgotten teachers in K-12 online learning: Examining the perceptions of teachers who develop K-12 online courses. In R. C. Sharma (Ed.), Innovative applications of online pedagogy and course design (pp. 88-107). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5466-0.ch005
Publisher's Statement
Reprinted with permission of the publisher.