Twentieth Symposium on COVID-19: COVID-19 as of July 14, 2022: What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned?


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Opening Remarks and Moderator: Edward C. Halperin, M.D., M.A. Chancellor/CEO, New York Medical College, Professor of Radiation Oncology, Pediatrics, and History, Provost for Biomedical Affairs, Touro University, The Miriam Popack Chair in Biomedical Ethics After the Holocaust

How Does COVID-19 Infection Affect the Eye? (About 10% of Infected Individuals Have Eye Symptoms.) Sankara Mahesh, M.D., FRCS Program Director, Ophthalmology, Westchester Medical Center, Advanced Eye Specialty Services, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, New York Medical College

How Does COVID-19 Infection and Vaccination Affect Hearing? Katrina R. Stidham, M.D. Director, Balance Center, Cochlear Implant Center, Maria Fareri Children's Hospital, Westchester Medical Center, Associate Professor of Otolaryngology, New York Medical College

Monkeypox: What is It? What Causes It? How Do We Manage It? Should I Be Worried About It? David Revelli, Ph.D. Research Scientist, Lovelace Biomedical Research Institute

With the Evolving Data Coming In, Which of My Children Need the Vaccine and/or Booster Shots Now? Tami Hendriksz, DO, FACOP, FAAP Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Professor of Pediatrics, Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine

Am I Just Sick and Tired of This Pandemic and the News on Television or Am I Depressed? I Don't Feel Like Going Back to the Office or to Shows or Weddings Like I Used to. Ronnie Swift, M.D. Professor and Associate Chairman of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, New York Medical College, Chief of Psychiatry, Metropolitan Hospital and Medical Center

Q & A Hosted by: Edward C. Halperin, M.D., M.A. Chancellor/CEO, New York Medical College, Professor of Radiation Oncology, Pediatrics, and History, Provost for Biomedical Affairs, Touro University, The Miriam Popack Chair in Biomedical Ethics After the Holocaust
