Elipsis: A selection of poems in Russian. Elipsis [Mnogotochya], “I looked closely around” [Ia osmotrelsya vnimatel’no vokrug], “Only Goddesses Mnemosyne and Clio” [Tol’ko bogini Mnemozina i Klio], Surplus of Being [Izbytok bytiya], “We cautuously go along a hidden edge” [My prohodim po kromke ukromnoi ukradkoi], “Rhe Word came unto me. I did not discern” [Mnye bylo Slovo. Ia ne razobral], “Everything warmed up: a tea in a cup” [Vsyo poteplelo: tchai v stakanye], “We are wearied and exhausted by May” [Iznyvayem i mayemsq mayem], “Strange things are happening, really” [Strannye v samom dele]

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