
Submissions from 2024


The Professor’s Academic Dilemma, Kenneth S. Bigel, Laurie Bobley, Alan Sebel, and Sabra E. Brock (Book Chapter)


Method of Forming Peptide-Coated Nanoparticles, Aneta J. Mieszawska, Sylwia A. Dragulska, Mina Poursharifi, Marek T. Wlodarczyk, Ying Chen, John A. Martignetti, and Maxier Acosta Santiago (Article)


Distinctive Field Effects of Smoking and Lung Cancer Case-Control Status on Bronchial Basal Cell Growth and Signaling, Olsida Zefi, Spencer Waldman, Ava Marsh, Miao Kevin Shi, Yosef Sonbolian, Batbayar Khulan, Taha Siddiqui, Aditi Desai, Dhruv Patel, Aham Okorozo, Samer Khader, Jay Dobkin, Ali Sadoughi, Chirag Shah, Simon Spivack, and Yakov Peter (Article)

Submissions from 2023


The Effect of Antibiotic Treatment and Gene Expression of Mex B Efflux Transporters on the Resistance in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Biofilms, Evan Kello, Rochelle Greenberg, Weiqi Li, Shaya Polansky, Roberto Maldonado, Yakov Peter, and Paramita Basu (Article)


Did People Really Drink Bleach to Prevent COVID-19? A Guide for Protecting Survey Data Against Problematic Respondents, Leib Litman, Zohn Rosen, Rachel Hartman, Cheskie Rosenzweig, Sarah L. Weinberger-Litman, Aaron J. Moss, and Jonathan Robinson (Article)


Using Market-Research Panels for Behavioral Science: An Overview and Tutorial, Aaron J. Moss, David J. Hauser, Cheskie Rosenzweig, Shalom Jaffe, Jonathan Robinson, and Leib Litman (Article)


Is It Ethical to Use Mechanical Turk for Behavioral Research? Relevant Data From a Representative Survey of MTurk Participants and Wages, Aaron J. Moss, Cheskie Rosenzweig, Jonathan Robinson, Shalom N. Jaffe, and Leib Litman (Article)

Submissions from 2022


Do You Know the Wooly Bully? Testing Era-Based Knowledge to Verify Participant Age Online, Rachel Hartman, Aaron J. Moss, Israel Rabinowitz, Nathaniel Bahn, Cheskie Rosenzweig, Jonathan Robinson, and Leib Litman (Article)


Evaluating CloudResearch’s Approved Group as a Solution for Problematic Data Quality on MTurk, David J. Hauser, Aaron J. Moss, Cheskie Rosenzweig, Shalom N. Jaffe, Jonathan Robinson, and Leib Litman (Article)


Single-Cell Analysis of Somatic Mutations in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells in Relation to Aging and Smoking, Zhenqiu Huang, Shixiang Sun, Moonsook Lee, Alexander Y. Maslov, Miao Shi, Spencer Waldman, Ava Marsh, Taha Siddiqui, Xiao Dong, Yakov Peter, Ali Sadoughi, Chirag Shah, Kenny Ye, Simon D. Spivack, and Jan Vijg (Article)

Submissions from 2021


Bronchial Field Progenitor Basal Cells Show Methylome-Wide Characteristics Reflective of Lung Cancer Case-Control, Age, and Smoking Status, K. Batbayar, K. Ye, S. Waldman, A. Marsh, M. Shi, T. Siddiqui, M. Suzuki, A. Desai, D. Patel, J. Patel, J.B. Dobkin, A. Sadoughi, A. Sadoughi, C.D. Shah, C. Shah, J. Vijg, Yakov Peter, and S. Spivack (Article)


Bronchial Field Progenitor Basal Cells Show Methylome-Wide Characteristics Reflective of Lung Cancer Case-Control, Age, and Smoking Status of the Donor, K. Batbayar, K. Ye, S. Waldman, A. Marsh, M. Shi, T. Siddiqui, M. Suzuki, A. Desai, D. Patel, J. Patel, J.b. Dobkin, A. Sadoughi, A. Sadoughi, C.d. Shah, C. Shah, J. Vijg, Yakov Peter, and S.d. Spivack (Article)


The Snake at the Mouth of the Cave: Exploring Talmudic Narratives, Moshe Sokol (Book)


Paranoia and Belief Updating During the COVID-19 Crisis, Praveen Suthaharan, Erin J. Reed, Pantelis Leptourgos, Joshua G. Kenney, Stefan Uddenberg, Christoph D. Mathys, Leib Litman, Jonathan Robinson, Aaron J. Moss, Jane R. Taylor, Stephanie M. Groman, and Philip R. Corlett (Article)

Submissions from 2020


Faster Numerical Univariate Polynomial Root-Finding by Means of Subdivision Iterations, Q. Luan, V.Y. Pan, Won Geun Kim, V. Zaderman, F. Boulier, M. England, T.M. Sadykov, and E.V. Vorozhtsov (Book Chapter)


German Imperial Knights: Noble Misfits Between Princely Authority and the Crown, 1479–1648, Richard J. Ninness (Book)


Trauma in Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations, Elizabeth A. Owen, Alan Perry, and Devora Panish Scher (Book Chapter)


Alpha-MSH Targeted Liposomal Nanoparticle for Imaging in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Tuula Peñate-Medina, Christabel Damoah, Miriam Benezra, Olga Will, Kalevi Kairemo, Jana Humbert, Susanne Sebens, and Oula Peñate-Medina (Article)

Submissions from 2019


Both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religious Orientation are Positively Associated with Attitudes Toward Cleanliness: Exploring Multiple Routes from Godliness to Cleanliness., Leib Litman, Jonathan Robinson, Sarah L Weinberger-Litman, and Ron Finkelstein (Article)


Both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religious Orientation are Positively Associated with Attitudes Toward Cleanliness: Exploring Multiple Routes from Godliness to Cleanliness, Leib Litman, Jonathan Robinson, Sarah L. Weinberger-Litman, and Ron Finkelstein (Article)

Review Essay: Chief Rabbi Hertz: The Wars of the Lord by Derek Taylor, Moshe Y. Miller and Derek Taylor (Article)

Hands-on solar spectroscopy for introductory chemistry classes, Jacob Newman (Article)


Letters and Juvenilia, Albert Rolls and Inger H. Dalsgaard (Book Chapter)

Submissions from 2018


On Gelfand-Naimark Type Theorems for Unital Abelian Complex and Real Locally C*-, and Locally JB-Algebras, Oleg Friedman and Alexander A. Katz (Book Chapter)


Functional Variants in the LRRK2 Gene Confer Shared Effects on Risk for Crohn’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease, Ken Y. Hui, Heriberto Fernandez-Hernandez, Jianzhong Hu, Adam Schaffner, Nathan Pankratz, Nai-Yun Hsu, and Yakov Peter (Article)


Racial Disparities in Cleanliness Attitudes Mediate Purchasing Attitudes Toward Cleaning Products: a Serial Mediation Model, Leib Litman, Monnica T. Williams, Zohn Rosen, Sarah L. Weinberger-Litman, and Jonathan Robinson (Article)


Targeted DNA Methylation and Inactivation of Endogenous Genes Using CAS9-DNMT3a Fusion Protein; An Update, S. D. Spivack, M. Shi, A. Yan, Yakov Peter, M. Levy, and W. Han (Abstract)

Submissions from 2017


Great Jewish Classics: The History, Influence, and Content of Selected Works of Torah Scholarship, Moshe M. Bamberger (Book)

Link A Versatile Crowdsourcing Data Acquisition Platform for the Behavioral Sciences, Leib Litman, Jonathan Robinson, and Tzvi Abberbock (Article)


Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's Nineteen Letters on Judaism: Orthodoxy Confronts the Modern World, Moshe Y. Miller (Book Chapter)


Book Review: The Origins of the Thirty Years War and the Revolt in Bohemia, 1618, Richard J. Ninness (Book Review)

Introducing Green Chemistry Concepts to Science and Non-Science Majors in College, Ann E. Shinnar and Jacob M. Newman (Presentation)

Submissions from 2016

On Universal Representations and Universal Enveloping Locally C*-Algebras for Locally JB-Algebras, Alexander Katz and Oleg Friedman (Book Chapter)


The Interplay Between Eating and Sleeping Behavior in Adolescence: Normative and Disordered Trajectories, Yael Latzer, Sarah L. Weinberger-Litman, Leib Litman, and Orna Tzicshinsky (Book Chapter)


Review Essay: The Middle Way by Ephraim Chamiel (Brighton: Academic Studies Press, 2014), Moshe Y. Miller (Article)

Chasing Zeeden's Ghost: The Past and Future Interpretations of the Formation of Confessions in North America, Richard J. Ninness (Book Chapter)


Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations in a Multicultural Population: Associations Between Psychiatric, Demographic, and Legal Factors, Cheryl M. Paradis, Elizabeth Owen, Linda Z. Solomon, Benjamin Lane, Chinmoy Gulrajani, Michael Fullar, and Alan M. Perry (Article)


Psychosocial Mediators of the Relationship between Religious Orientation and Eating Disorder Risk Factors in Young Jewish Women, Sarah L. Weinberger-Litman, Laura A. Rabin, Joshua Fogel, Janell L. Mensinger, and Leib Litman (Article)


What Type of Political System is the US?, Ross Zucker (Article)

Submissions from 2015


Relationship Between Peer Victimization and Posttraumatic Stress Among Primary School Children, Leib Litman, Giuseppe Costantino, Richard Waxman, Caribel Sanabria-Velez, Von Marie Rodriguez-Guzman, Anabelle Lampon-Velez, Richard Brown, and Tomas Cruz (Article)


The Relationship Between Motivation, Monetary Compensation, and Data Quality Among US- and India-based Workers on Mechanical Turk, Leib Litman, Jonathan Robinson, and Cheskie Rosenzweig (Article)


Mobile Exercise Apps and Increased Leisure Time Exercise Activity: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of the Role of Self-Efficacy and Barriers, Leib Litman, Zohn Rosen, David Spierer, Sarah Weinberger-Litman, Akiva Goldschein, and Jonathan Robinson (Article)


Mobile Exercise Apps and Increased Leisure Time Exercise Activity: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of the Role of Self-Efficacy and Barriers, Leib Litman, Zohn Rosen, David Spierer, Sarah Weinberger-Litman, Akiva Goldschein, and Jonathan Robinson (Article)


Validation of Photoplethysmography as a Method to Detect Heart Rate During Rest and Exercise, David K. Spierer, Zohn Rosen, Leib Litman, and Kenji Fujii (Article)


Validation of Photoplethysmography as a Method to Detect Heart Rate During Rest and Exercise, David Spierer, Zohn Rosen, Leib Litman, and Kenji Fujii (Article)

Submissions from 2014


Tell-Me-A-Story (TEMAS) Assessment for Culturally Diverse Children and Adolescents, Giuseppe Costantino, Leib Litman, Richard Waxman, Daniel Dupertuis, Ernesto Pais, Cheskie Rosenzweig, and Guadalupe Forti (Article)


Pious Ahab: The Conduct of a Christian in Melville’s “Wicked Book”, Dean Mendell (Article)

Im Konfessionellen Niemandsland – Neue Forschungsansätze zur Geschichte der Reichsritterschaft zwischen Reformation und Dreißigjährigem Krieg. Das Vermächtnis von Volker Press [In Confessional Nowhere - New Research Projects on the History of Reichsritterschaft Between the Reformation and the Thirty Years War. The Legacy of Volker Press], Richard J. Ninness (Article)


Very Late Antigen-5 Facilitates Stromal Progenitor Cell Differentiation Into Myofibroblast, Namita Sen, Mark Weingarten, and Yakov Peter (Article)

Submissions from 2013


A Cognitive Neuroscience, Dual-Systems Approach to the Sorites Paradox, Leib Litman and Mark Zelcer (Article)


CD45/CD11b Positive Subsets of Adult Lung Anchorage-Independent Cells Harness Epithelial Stem Cells in Culture, Yakov Peter, Namita Sen, Elena Levantini, Steven Keller, Edward P. Ingenito, Aaron Ciner, and Robert Sackstein (Article)


2-(2-Methylbenzoyl) Benzoic Acid: Catemeric Hydrogen Bonding in a C-Keto Acid, N.A. Platosz, R. A. Lalancette, H.W. Thompson, Jacob M. Newman, and A. Schachter (Article)


Discrimination Between Lung Homeostatic and Injury-Induced Epithelial Progenitor Subsets by Cell-Density Properties, Namita Sen, Samuel Weprin, and Yakov Peter (Article)

Judaism Examined: Essays in Jewish Philosophy and Ethics, Moshe Sokol (Book)


Discovery of Small Molecule Fusion Inhibitors Targeting HIV-1 gp41, Guangyan Zhou and Stanley Chu (Article)