NYMC Faculty Publications

A case of rapid fingernail growth associated with nail psoriasis: A case report

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SAGE Open Medical Case Reports

First Page


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Overall, 80%-90% of patients with psoriasis will have nail involvement at some point during their lifetime, and nail changes, on average, are more common in patients with longer disease duration. Since there is accelerated keratinocyte proliferation and cell turnover in cutaneous psoriasis plaques compared to normal skin, it has been hypothesized that psoriasis increases nail growth rate. We describe a case of a 44-year-old male with a 10-year history of cutaneous and nail psoriasis, with acceleration in nail growth rate for 2 years prior to presentation. Clinical examination of the fingernails showed very long nails with onychorrhexis, onycholysis, and koilonychia and scattered erythematous plaques involving the chest and arms. We report a case of rapid fingernail growth in a patient with a 10-year history of psoriasis with skin and nail manifestations. Our case supports the hypothesis that increased cell turnover in psoriasis patients affects nail growth rate.
