Problems With Interpreting Troponins in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients for Ruling Out Acute Coronary Syndrome Visco,F.+ Not on 2021 List (On Dept. List 7/12/21)

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American Journal of Emergency Medicine


Chest pain is one of the most common reasons for emergency department visits worldwide, and troponins play a central role in diagnosing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in these patients. Hence, the tests for these molecules are imperative in triage for ACS. Presently, multiple high-sensitivity troponin tests are available, including those for troponin T and I. However, in the presence of physiological and pathological alterations such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) and muscle dysfunction, these tests lose their sensitivity and specificity, especially if not interpreted in the right clinical background. Further, no guidelines exist for interpreting the results in patients with CKD. We identified studies that compared the relative efficacy, sensitivity, and specificity of tests for troponin T and I in patients with CKD to understand the practical problems in the clinical interpretation of these results in the specific setting of CKD and highlight the measures to be taken into consideration. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
