Maternal Obesity: A Potential Disruptor of Female Fertility and Current Interventions to Reduce Associated Risks

Author Type(s)


Document Type

Review Article

Publication Date


Journal Title

Obesity Reviews




Currently, obesity has achieved epidemic levels in reproductive-aged women with a myriad of consequences. Obesity is susceptible to several reproductive complications that eventually affect fertility rates. These complications originate from the deteriorated quality of oocytes from mothers with obesity, which increases the probability of chromosomal aneuploidy, elevated reactive oxygen species production, compromised embryonic developmental competency, and eventually reduced fertility. Maternal obesity is linked to pregnancy complications such as implantation error, abortion, miscarriage, and early pregnancy loss. This review highlights the adverse effects of maternal obesity on female fertility, with a focus on the mechanistic link between maternal obesity and oocyte quality and discusses possible measures to reduce its associated risks.
