Submissions from 2024
Stealing the Opponent’s Thunder: Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch and Reform, Judith Bleich, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Ish U-Pekudato: The Mission-Driven Leadership of Dr. Bernard Lander, Stanley Boylan, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Print Power: Rabbinical Authority Established Through the Printed Word, Simcha Fishbane, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Ha-Tov v’ha-Meitiv: Contemporary Scholarship in Jewish Studies—Essays In Honor of the 50th Anniversary of Touro University, Simcha Fishbane and Eric M. Levine (Book)
Introduction, Alan H. Kadish, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Silent or Outspoken? Jewish Leadership and the Dreyfus Affair, Zvi Jonathan Kaplan, Lauren Gottlieb Lockshin, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
The Holocaust of the Polish Jews: Political History, Contested Memory, Stephan Lehnstaedt, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
The Methodologies of Rabbi Moshe Tendler as a Posek, John D. Loike, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Change in Neuropsychological Test Performance Seen in a Longitudinal Study of Patients with Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19: A 6-Month Follow-Up Study, Sean T. Lynch, Rhea Dornbush, Sivan Shahar, Rayah Mansour, Lidia Klepacz, Louis H. Primavera, and Stephen J. Ferrando (Article)
Revisiting the Portuguese Jewish Response to the Influx of Refugees From the Spanish Expulsion, Michael Shmidman, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Toward a Typology of Leadership, Mervin Verbit, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2023
Detecting Salivary Host and Microbiome RNA Signature for Aiding Diagnosis of Oral and Throat Cancer, Guruduth Banavar, Oyetunji Ogundijo, Cristina Julian, Ryan Toma, Francine Camacho, Pedro J. Torres, Lan Hu, Tarun Chandra, Andrew Piscitello, Liz Kenny, Sarju Vasani, Martin Batstone, Nevenka Dimitrova, Momchilo Vuyisich, Salomon Amar, and Chamindie Punyadeera (Article)
The Impact of Primary Immunization Route on the Outcome of Infection with SARS-CoV-2 in a Hamster Model of COVID-19, Edward G. Barrett, David Revelli, Chandra Shekhar Bakshi, Alan H. Kadish, and Salomon Amar (Article)
The Supra-Legal Materials in Rabbi Avraham’s Danzig’s Haye Adam, Simcha Fishbane, Daniel Maoz, and Esther R. Mayer (Book Chapter)
Yahrzeit: A Day of Fortune or Misfortune?, Simcha Fishbane, Daniel Maoz, and Esther R. Mayer (Book Chapter)
Lawyer as Presidents—A Rising Trend in Higher Education (May It Please the Campus: Lawyers Leading Higher Education by Patricia E. Salkin), T. Fisher and Patricia E. Salkin (Article)
Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Law, J.C. Juergensmeyer, Patricia E. Salkin, and R.M. Rowberry (Book)
The Jewish Perspectives on Xenotransplantation, John D. Loike and Moshe D. Krupka (Article)
Significant Land Use Articles (2023 ed.), Irene M. McDermott and Patricia E. Salkin (Book Chapter)
American Law of Zoning (5th Ed. May & Dec. 2023 Update), Patricia E. Salkin (Book)
Commentary: Dan Mandelker—A Land-Use Legacy Unlike Any Other, Patricia E. Salkin (Article)
Government Lawyers May Be Prime Candidates for College and University Presidencies, Patricia E. Salkin (Article)
Minority Lawyers Contribute to the Swelling Number College and University Presidents with JDs, Patricia E. Salkin (Article)
Handling the Land Use Case: Land Use Law, Practice & Forms (3rd Ed. Oct. 2023 Update), Patricia E. Salkin, J.J. Delaney, S.D. Abrams, F. Schnidman, and J.A. Tappendorf (Book)
New York’s Professor John R. Nolon: A National Leader in Land Use Law with a Large Impact Across the Hudson Valley and the State of New York, Patricia E. Salkin and Samuel Stewart (Article)
Recovery After a Suicidal Episode: Developing and Validating the Recovery Evaluation and Suicide Support Tool (RESST), Yosef Sokol, Sofie Glatt, Chynna Levin, Patricia Tran, Chayim Rosensweig, Chana Silver, Shifra Hubner, Louis H. Primavera, and Marianne Goodman (Article)
Health Disparities in Nontraumatic Lower Extremity Amputations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Arthur Tarricone, Allen Gee, Karla De La Mata, Louis H. Primavera, Michael J. Trepal, Wayne Axman, Vinayak Perake, and Prakash Krishnan (Article)
Submissions from 2022
LITAF Signaling Promotes Pro-Inflammatory Pericyte Signaling and Exacerbates Pulmonary Hypertension in Hypoxic Mice, D.f. Condon, A. Chakraborty, S. Agarwal, H. Patel, N. Auer, A. Sweatt, L. Wang, R.t. Zamanian, Salomon Amar, K. Yuan, and V. De Jesus Perez (Article)
The Case of Yahrzeit: A Memory Stimulator, Simcha Fishbane (Article)
What Is the Basis of a Rabbi's Authority? Three Case Studies: Rabbi Avraham Danzig; Rabbi Yirsrael Meir Hacohen, the Hafez Haim; Rabbi Yecheil Mechel HaLevi Epstein, Simcha Fishbane (Book)
Analysis of STEMI and NSTEMI in a Community Cohort of Marijuana Users, Farla Jean-Louis, Ajibola Monsur Adedayo, Temitope Ajibawo Oluwadamilola, Louis H. Primavera, Abdullah Khan, Ricardo Castillo, and Hal Chadow (Article)
Opinion: The Reproductive Technology Advances No One Asked for: Cloning and Parthenogenesis of Humans Wouldn’t Align with Bioethical Principles, John D. Loike and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Significant Land Use Articles, Irene M. McDermott and Patricia E. Salkin (Book Chapter)
Arrhythmic Sudden Death Survival Prediction Using Deep Learning Analysis of Scarring in the Heart, Dan M. Popescu, Julie K. Shade, Changxin Lai, Konstantinos N. Aronis, David Ouyang, M. Vinayaga Moorthy, Nancy R. Cook, Daniel C. Lee, Alan H. Kadish, Christine M. Albert, Katherine C. Wu, Mauro Maggioni, and Natalia A. Trayanova (Article)
Arrhythmic Sudden Death (SCDA) Survival Prediction Using Deep Learning (DL) Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (LGE-CMR), Dan M. Popescu, Julie K. Shade, Changxin Lai, Konstantinos N. Aronis, David Ouyang, Dan Popescu, Dan R. Popescu, Dan C. Popescu, Alan H. Kadish, Christine M. Albert, Dan Popescu, Katherine C. Wu, and Natalia A. Trayanova (Article)
Telescopic Reading: Synthesizing Meaning From Reading at Different Scales, Hannah Ringler and Shlomo Argamon (Conference Proceeding)
American Law of Zoning, Patricia E. Salkin (Book)
New York Zoning Law & Practice, Patricia E. Salkin (Book)
Zoning and Planning Law Handbook, Patricia E. Salkin (Book)
Zoning Reformed: A Conversation with Professor Michael Allan Wolf, Patricia E. Salkin (Article)
Handling the Land Use Case: Land Use Law, Practice & Forms, Patricia E. Salkin, J.J. Delaney, S.D. Abrams, F. Schnidman, and J.A. Tappendorf (Book)
Submissions from 2021
Beyond a Code of Jewish Law: Rabbi Avraham Danzig’s ḤAyei Adam, Simcha Fishbane (Book)
Fire Symbolism in Jewish Law and Ritual, Simcha Fishbane (Book)
Jewish Pride in Rabbi Avraham Danzig’s Hayei Adam as Instantiated in the Aleinu Hymn, Simcha Fishbane (Article)
Eretz Yisrael Kedushta Lema'aleh Mi-Kol Ha'aratzot: Tefisas Ha-Golah Be'Olam Ha-Mishnah, Simcha Fishbane, H. Hazan, R. Sharaby, and I.E. Cicurel (Book Chapter)
Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Law (Practitioner Treatise Series), J. Juergensmeyer, T. Roberts, and Patricia E. Salkin (Book)
The Jewish Intellectual Tradition: A History of Learning and Achievement, Alan H. Kadish, Michael A. Shmidman, and Simcha Fishbane (Book)
Validation of Electrocardiographic Criteria for Identifying Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Patients with Previous Myocardial Infarction, G.K. Panicker, D.D. Narula, C.M. Albert, D.C. Lee, S. Kothari, J.J. Goldberger, N. Cook, A. Schaechter, E. Kim, M.V. Moorthy, J. Pester, N.A. Chatterjee, Alan H. Kadish, and D.R. Karnad (Article)
Tips for Academic Administrators: Solving Problems and Optimizing Leadership Skills, Louis H. Primavera (Book)
In Tough Times, Schools Look to Lawyer Trustees to Lead, Patricia E. Salkin (Article)
Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Student Housing, Remote Instruction, Campus Policies, and Covid-19, Patricia E. Salkin and P. Ko (Article)
Land Use Law in a Nutshell, Patricia E. Salkin and Jennie C. Nolon (Book)
New Stories, Same Old Ethics in Land Use Challenges, Patricia E. Salkin and G. Reid (Article)
Analysis of Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) Data Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Jeff Terry, Miu Lun Lau, Jiateng Sun, Chang Xu, Bryan Hendricks, Julia Kise, Mrinalini Lnu, Sanchayni Bagade, Shail Shah, Priyanka Makhijani, Adithya Karantha, Travis Boltz, Max Oellien, Matthew Adas, Shlomo Argamon, Min Long, and Donna Post Guillen (Article)
Diabetes and Risk of Sudden Death in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Without Severe Systolic Dysfunction, R.V. Venkateswaran, M.V. Moorthy, N.A. Chatterjee, J. Pester, Alan H. Kadish, D.C. Lee, N.R. Cook, and C.M. Albert (Article)
Submissions from 2020
Simple electrocardiographic measures improve sudden arrhythmic death prediction in coronary disease, Neal A. Chatterjee, Jani T. Tikkanen, Gopi K. Panicker, Dhiraj Narula, Daniel C. Lee, Tuomas Kentta, Juhani M. Junttila, Nancy R. Cook, Alan Kadish, Jeffrey J. Goldberger, Heikki V. Huikuri, and Christine M. Albert (Article)
Dignity or Debasement: The Destitute in the World of Mishnah, Simcha Fishbane (Book Chapter)
Marginal Person and/or Marginal Situation: The Convert in Mishnah, Simcha Fishbane (Book Chapter)
“The Land of Israel Is Holier Than All Lands”: Diaspora in Mishnah’s Cosmos—The Message, Simcha Fishbane (Book Chapter)
Exploring Mishnah's World(s): Social Scientific Approaches, Simcha Fishbane, Calvin Goldscheider, and Jack N. Lightstone (Book)
The Jewish Intellectual Tradition: A History of Learning and Achievement, Alan H. Kadish, Michael A. Shmidman, and Simcha Fishbane (Book)
Estimating Myocardial Infarction Size With a Simple Electrocardiographic Marker Score, Daniel C. Lee, Christine M. Albert, Dhiraj Narula, Alan H. Kadish, Gopi Krishna Panicker, Edwin Wu, Andi Schaechter, Julie Pester, Neal A. Chatterjee, Nancy R. Cook, and Jeffrey J. Goldberger (Article)
Opinion: Don’t Disparage the Pace of COVID-19 Research, John D. Loike and Salomon Amar (Article)
Validation of electrocardiographic criteria for identifying left ventricular dysfunction in patients with previous myocardial infarction, Gopi Krishna Panicker, Dhiraj D. Narula, Christine M. Albert, Daniel C. Lee, Snehal Kothari, Jeffrey J. Goldberger, Nancy Cook, Andi Schaechter, Eunjung Kim, M. Vinayaga Moorthy, Julie Pester, Neal A. Chatterjee, Alan H. Kadish, and Dilip R. Karnad (Article)
Sex-specific definitions of electrocardiographic abnormalities, Granit Veseli, Jason T. Jacobson, Sei Iwai, Alan H. Kadish, and Marek Malik (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2019
Register in Computational Language Research, Shlomo Engelson Argamon (Article)
Debunking the Myths: The Measles Epidemic & The Orthodox Community, Alan H. Kadish
Measles Crisis Discussion, Guest Speaker on the Joe Piscopo Show 970AM, Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Measles Crisis Discussion, Guest Speaker on the John Castimatidis Show 970AM, Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Opinion: Test Brain-Reviving Technology in Infants First, Alan H. Kadish and John D. Loike (Article)
Submissions from 2018
It’s the Autonomy, Stupid! On Reasonable and Unreasonable Risk-Assessment of AI, Shlomo Argamon (Conference Proceeding)
Computational Forensic Authorship Analysis: Promises and Pitfalls, Shlomo Engelson Argamon (Article)
Sudden Death in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease Without Severe Systolic Dysfunction, Neal A. Chatterjee, M. Vinayaga Moorthy, Julie Pester, Andi Schaecter, Gopi K. Panicker, Dhiraj Narula, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Device Therapies Among Patients Receiving Primary Prevention Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators in the Cardiovascular Research Network, Robert T. Greenlee, Alan S. Go, Pamela N. Peterson, Andrea E. Cassidy-Bushrow, Charles Gaber, Romel Garcia-Montilla, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Justify Your Alpha, Daniel Lakens, Federico G. Adolfi, Casper J. Albers, Farid Anvari, Matthew A. J. Apps, Shlomo E. Argamon, Thom Baguley, Raymond B. Becker, Stephen D. Benning, Daniel E. Bradford, Erin M. Buchanan, Aaron R. Caldwell, Ben Van Calster, Rickard Carlsson, Sau-Chin Chen, Bryan Chung, Lincoln J. Colling, Gary S. Collins, Zander Crook, Emily S. Cross, Sameera Daniels, Henrik Danielsson, Lisa DeBruine, Daniel J. Dunleavy, Brian D. Earp, Michele I. Feist, Jason D. Ferrell, James G. Field, Nicholas W. Fox, Amanda Friesen, Caio Gomes, Monica Gonzalez-Marquez, and James A. Grange (Article)
Ethical Rejections of Xenotransplantation? The Potential and Challenges of Using Human‐Pig Chimeras to Create Organs for Transplantation, John D. Loike and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Outer Limits of Biotechnologies: A Jewish Perspective, John D. Loike and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
The Democratic Evolution of Halakhah: A Political Science Perspective, David Raab (Book)
Submissions from 2017
Kidney Function and Appropriateness of Device Therapies in Adults with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators, Nisha Bansal, Adam Szpiro, Frederick Masoudi, Robert T. Greenlee, David H. Smith, David J. Magid, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
New York Heart Association Class and the Survival Benefit from Primary Prevention Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: A Pooled Analysis of 4 Randomized Controlled Trials, Daniel J. Friedman, Sana M. Al-Khatib, Emily P. Zeitler, JooYoon Han, Gust H. Bardy, Jeanne E. Poole, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Associations of Sex Hormones with Surface Electrocardiogram J Point Amplitude in Healthy Volunteers, David A. McNamara, Jason Ng, Leonard Ilkhanoff, Andi Schaechter, Jeffrey J. Goldberger, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Comparison of Inappropriate Shocks and Other Health Outcomes Between Single- and Dual-Chamber Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators for Primary Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death: Results from the Cardiovascular Research Network Longitudinal Study of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators, Pamela N. Peterson, Robert T. Greenlee, Alan S. Go, David J. Magid, Andrea Cassidy-Bushrow, Romel Garcia-Montilla, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Predicting Appropriate Shocks in Patients with Heart Failure: Patient Level Meta-Analysis from SCD-HeFT and MADIT II, Emily P. Zeitler, Sana M. Al-Khatib, Daniel J. Friedman, Joo Yoon Han, Jeanne E. Poole, Gust H. Bardy, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Orthogonal Decomposition of Left Ventricular Remodeling in Myocardial Infarction, Xingyu Zhang, Pau Medrano-Gracia, Bharath Ambale-Venkatesh, David A. Bluemke, Brett R. Cowan, J. Paul Finn, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Submissions from 2016
Inflammatory Mediators and Clinical Outcome in Patients With Advanced Heart Failure Receiving Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy, John Belperio, Tamara Horwich, William T. Abraham, Gregg C. Fonarow, John Gorcsan III, Malcolm M. Bersohn, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Profile-Based Authorship Analysis, Jonathan Dunn, Shlomo Argamon, Amin Rasooli, and Geet Kumar (Article)
Foreword, Alan H. Kadish (Book Chapter)
Response to Letters to the Editor, Alan H. Kadish (Letter to the Editor)
Early Arrhythmic Risk Assessment in Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy: A Tincture of Time Can Be the Wrong Medicine, Alan H. Kadish and Jason T. Jacobson (Editorial)
Submissions from 2015
Device Therapies Among Patients Receiving Primary Prevention Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs): Insights From the Cardiovascular Research Network Longitudinal Study of ICDs, Robert T. Greenlee, Alan S. Go, David J. Magid, Pamela N. Peterson, Andrea E. Cassidy-Bushrow, Charles Gaber, and Alan H. Kadish (Abstract)
Survival Benefit of the Primary Prevention Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Among Older Patients: Does Age Matter? An Analysis of Pooled Data From 5 Clinical Trials, Paul L. Hess, Sana M. Al-Khatib, Joo Y. Han, Rex Edwards, Gust H. Bardy, J. Thomas Bigger, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
God, Man, Chaos and Control: How God Might Control the Universe, Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Touro and the Ladder of the Jewish Future, Alan H. Kadish (Book Chapter)
Electrocardiographic Markers of Myocardial Infarction Size, Daniel C. Lee, Christine M. Albert, Dhiraj Narula, Alan H. Kadish, Edwin Wu, Gopi Panicker, and Jeffrey J. Goldberger (Abstract)
Association of BNP and Troponin Levels with Outcome among Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Recipients, Alaa A. Shalaby, William T. Abraham, Gregg C. Fonarow, Malcolm M. Bersohn, John Gorcsan III, Li-Yin Lee, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Big Data Computing and Communications, Yu Wang, Hui Xiong, Shlomo Argamon, XiangYang Li, and JianZhong Li (Conference Proceeding)
Orthogonal Shape Modes Describing Clinical Indices of Remodeling, Xingyu Zhang, Bharath Ambale-Venkatesh, David A. Bluemke, Brett R. Cowan, J. Paul Finn, William G. Hundley, and Alan H. Kadish (Conference Proceeding)
Information Maximizing Component Analysis of Left Ventricular Remodeling Due to Myocardial Infarction, Xingyu Zhang, Bharath Ambale-Venkatesh, David A. Bluemke, Brett R. Cowan, J. Paul Finn, Alan H. Kadish, and Pau Medrano-Gracia (Article)
Submissions from 2014
Do Patients with a Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction between 30% and 35% Benefit from a Primary Prevention Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator?, Sana M. Al-Khatib, Joo Y. Han, Rex Edwards, Gust H. Bardy, J. Thomas Bigger, Alfred E. Buxton, and Alan H. Kadish (Article)
Language-Independent Ensemble Approaches to Metaphor Identification, J Dunn, J Beltran de Heredia, M Burke, L Gandy, S Kanareykin, O Kapah, M Taylor, D Hines, O Frieder, D Grossman, N Howard, M Koppel, S Morris, A Ortony, and S Argamon (Conference Proceeding)