GoPro Videos in Case-Based Learning- Bringing the Clinical Cases to Life
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Bruno, F. & Braun, A. (2019, January 25). GoPro videos in Case-Based Learning: bringing the clinical cases to life. Presented at the Group for Research in Pathology Education Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Purpose: Discussing clinical cases, especially as a small group activity, helps the medical students brainstorm the pathophysiology they have learned and apply it to a scenario that helps mature their critical thinking without putting a real patient at-risk. It enhances student learning, allowing early exposure to a structure resembling the morning rounds. Unfortunately, despite its benefits, written cases are often seen as unappealing by the students, who have grown used to the actor-based simulated scenarios seen in OSCE activities, leading to a reduced in-class interest and participation. We piloted the use of GoPro videos as a tool for simulated clinical cases and problem-solving activities to enhance students’ attention and engagement.
Methods: A dramatization of two cases in a GoPro video format replaced the written case. Faculty created and provided a standardized patient script to the Teacher Assistants. For each case, a TA played the role of physician, having the camera attached to the forehead, while the other played the patient, providing a first-person-perspective of the doctor-patient interaction. A class of 135 medical students was separated into two groups that participated at different times in a pathology lab session. During each session, the students watched the videos and collected history, signs and symptoms necessary for a differential diagnosis and discussed pathology questions geared towards the case. Small-groups were given time to discuss the case, the questions and work on an assigned task. Furthermore, the faculty utilized a document with students’ responses to teach the class, while also inviting each group to provide feedback on their responses. A pathology quiz with 15 questions was given at the beginning and end of the session to assess students’ learning curve. A survey was later provided to collect feedback.
Results: The videos allowed the students’ immersion to the scenario, while demonstrating patient’s behavior and nuances that would otherwise not be feasible through a written case. The small-groups effectively discussed the case, finalized the assigned tasks within the given time and partook in faculty-led discussion. A positive impact on quiz performance was seen on percentage of corrected responses from pre- to post-quiz (Group1: 44.52% to 94.58%; Group 2 58.80% to 99.86%). A total of 113 students answered the survey, with 82% agreeing to the statement “useful tool to make the lab be more interactive” (39% strongly agree; 43% agree; 8% neutral; 6% Disagree; 4% strongly disagree); 86% agreed “it helped bring the case to life” (38% strongly agree; 48% agree; 7% neutral; 3% Disagree; 6% strongly disagree); and 64% agreed “it facilitated my learning” (20% strongly agree; 44% agree; 21% neutral; 12% Disagree; 4% strongly disagree).
Conclusion: Students’ survey showed that the method was well received by most of the class, who agreed that it made the session more interactive, brought the cases to life and facilitated their learning. The process had a positive impact on post-quiz performance, being interpreted as an effective teaching method. Further investigations are necessary with crossover design and control to the determine the superiority of this method compared to other modalities.