Submissions from 2018
Exposure to High Levels of Noise Poses Hazards and Risks for Development of Hypertension and Heart Disease: Potential Roles of Unrecognized Ionized Hypomagnesemia and Release of Ceramides and Platelet-Activating Factor, Burton M. Altura, Asefa Gebrewold, Anthony Carella, Nilank C. Shah, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
Increased Risk of Stroke using Marijuana-Cannabis Products: Evidence for Dangerous Effects on Brain Circulation and the Unrecognized Roles of Magnesium, Burton M. Altura, Asefa Gebrewold, Anthony Carella, Nilank C. Shah, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
Corticosteroid Weaning in Stable Heart Transplant Patients: Guidance by Serum Cortisol Level, David A. Baran, Cheryl Rosenfeld, and Mark J. Zucker (Article)
Neuronal Loss in the Developing Cerebral Cortex of Normal and Bax-Deficient Mice: Effects of Ethanol Exposure, Sheena M. Britton and Michael W. Miller (Article)
Calculated Decisions: Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale, Joyce Brown and Matthew J. Meigh (Article)
The Fun Book of Fatherhood: A Paternity Leave Dad - Tale of a Pioneer, Jerry Cammarata (Book)
Crew Resource Management, Kelly Kohler (Presentation)
Atraumatic Forehead Swelling and Headache, Matthew McCaffery, Steven Piriano, and B George-Varghese (Article)
Insulin Delivery: Traditional to Technological, Cheryl Rosenfeld (Presentation)
Human Chronic Necrotizing Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis: A Novel Case Report, Alexus P. Taddonio, Eric J. Veloso, and Kelly J. Baldwin (Article)
The Effect of Osteopathic Manipulation on Anxiety and Depression in Medical Students, Martin Torrents (Presentation)
Experimental Design, Validity of Studies, Potential Design Problems, David Yens (Presentation)
Research: The Big Picture & How to Select a Topic For Your Research, David Yens (Presentation)
Research Questions and Design Considerations, David P. Yens (Presentation)
Surveys, Prospective/Retrospective, Quantitative/Qualitative, Noninferiority Designs, David P. Yens (Presentation)
Expecting the Unexpected: Obstetrical Emergencies in the Field, Stephanie L. Zeszutek (Presentation)
Submissions from 2017
Why Is Cardiac Morbidity and Mortality Greater Around Christmas, New Year’s, Monday Mornings and in the Morning Hours: Potential Roles of Unrecognized Ionized Hypomagnesemia and Release of Ceramides?, Burton M. Altura, Joshua Burack, R. F. Tranbaugh, Z. Zisbrod, J. N. Cunningham, Nilank C. Shah, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
Why Is There an Association Between Retinal Vein Occlusion, Vision Loss, Myocardial Infarction, Stroke and Mortality: Potential Roles of Hypomagnesaemia, Release of Sphingolipids, and Platelet-Activating Factor, Burton M. Altura, Asefa Gebrewold, Nilank C. Shah, Aimin Zhang, Wenyan Li, Lawrence M. Resnick, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
Why Do Chemotherapeutic Drugs and Radiation Induce Cardiomyopathy and Cardiac Failure in Cancer Patients: Is This a Consequence of Unrecognized Hypomagnesemia and Release of Ceramides and Platelet-Activating Factor?, Burton M. Altura, Nilank C. Shah, Gatha J. Shah, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
Osteopathic Medicine for the Treatment of Pain in the Rehabilitation Patient, Athina Giovanis and Claudia Wheeler (Book Chapter)
Is it Time to Start Using Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number as an Indicator of Health and Diseases?, Vasudeva G. Kamath (Letter to the Editor)
Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic Criteria, Tomisaku Kawasaki and Joyce Brown (Protocol)
Effect of Prenatal Exposure to Ethanol on the Pyramidal Tract in Developing Rats, Michael W. Miller (Article)
Standing on the Shoulders of Previous Neuroscience Research, Michael W. Miller (Editorial)
Don't Hold Your Breath: Implementation of “Bedside Wake-Up and Breathe” Handoff in Improving Compliance With Spontaneous Awakening (SAT) and Breathing Trials (SBT), Nakia Sarad, Kathleen Holsaeter, Bryony Lucas, Donya Nazery, Harshal Lal, and Aamir Gilani (Abstract)
Spinal Epidural Abscess Complicated by Meningitis, Sepsis and Thrombocytopenia in a Patient Lacking Traditional Risk Factors, Christian Spano, Michael Ward, and Nicole Zagelbaum (Article)
Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale, Graham Teasdale and Joyce Brown (Protocol)
Submissions from 2016
Potential Roles of Magnesium Deficiency in Inflammation and Atherogenesis: Importance and Cross-Talk of Platelet-Activating Factor and Ceramide, Burton M. Altura, Asefa Gebrewold, Nilank C. Shah, Gatha J. Shah, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
Sudden Cardiac Death in Infants, Children and Young Adults: Possible Roles of Dietary Magnesium Intake and Generation of Platelet-Activating Factor in Coronary Arteries, Burton M. Altura, Wenyan Li, Aimin Zhang, Tao Zheng, Nilank C. Shah, Gatha J. Shah, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
The Expression of Platelet-Activating Factor Is Induced by Low Extracellular Mg2+ in Aortic, Cerebral and Neonatal Coronary Vascular Smooth Muscle; Cross Talk with Ceramide Production, NF–kB and Proto-Oncogenes: Possible Links to Atherogenesis and Sudden Cardiac Death in Children and Infants, and Aging: Hypothesis, Review and Viewpoint, Burton M. Altura, Wenyan Li, Aimin Zhang, Tao Zheng, Nilank C. Shah, Gatha J. Shah, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
Genotoxic Effects of Magnesium Deficiency in the Cardiovascular System and their Relationships to Cardiovascular Diseases and Atherogenesis, Burton M. Altura, Nilank C. Shah, Gatha J. Shah, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
Insights into the Possible Mechanisms by Which Platelet-Activating Factor and PAF-receptors Function in Vascular Smooth Muscle in Magnesium Deficiency and Vascular Remodeling: Possible Links to Atherogenesis, Hypertension and Cardiac Failure, Burton M. Altura, Nilank C. Shah, Gatha J. Shah, Jose Luis Perez-Albela, and Bella T. Altura (Editorial)
Magnesium Deficiency Results in Oxidation and Fragmentation of DNA, Down Regulation of Telomerase Activity, and Ceramide Release in Cardiovascular Tissues and Cells: Potential Relationship to Atherogenesis, Cardiovascular Diseases and Aging, Burton M. Altura, Nilank C. Shah, Gatha J. Shah, Jose Luis Perez-Albela, and Bella T. Altura (Editorial)
Why is Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation Difficult to Prevent and Treat: Potential Roles of Unrecognized Magnesium Deficiency and Release of Ceramide and Platelet-Activating Factor, Burton M. Altura, Nilank C. Shah, Gatha J. Shah, Jose Luis Perez-Albela, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
Is the High Frequency of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation after Cardiac and Lung Surgeries Related to Hypomagnesemia and Releases of Ceramides and Platelet-Activating Factor?, Burton M. Altura, Nilank C. Shah, Gatha J. Shah, Aimin Zhang, Wenyan Li, and Bella T. Altura (Editorial)
Euphoria from Drinking Alcoholic Beverages May Be Due to Reversible Constriction of Cerebral Blood Vessels: Potential Roles of Unrecognized Ionized Hypomagnesemia, and Release of Ceramides and Platelet-Activating Factor, Burton M. Altura, Aimin Zhang, Nilank C. Shah, Gatha J. Shah, Asefa Gebrewold, and Bella T. Altura (Article)
Sepsis-Review of Screening for Sepsis by Nursing, Nurse Driven Sepsis Protocols and Development of Sepsis Hospital Policy/Protocols, Matthew McCaffery, Omobola Onikoyi, Dilisha Rodrigopulle, Ali Syed, Suzanne Jones, Laura Mansfield, and Murali G. Krishna (Article)
Use of Computer-Aided Holographic Models Improves Performance in a Cadaver Dissection-Based Course in Gross Anatomy, Michael W. Miller (Article)
Diffuse Sclerosing Papillary Carcinoma In A Pediatric Patient With Intrauterine Diagnostic Xray Exposure, Luke O'Connor, Cheryl Rosenfeld, and William Inabnet (Abstract)
Sepsis: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Classification, Biomarkers and Management, Noah Pirozzi, Nima Rejali, Matthew Brennan, Anuj Vohra, Trevor McGinley, and Murali G. Krishna (Article)
Treatment of Pasireotide LAR-Associated Hyperglycemia In A Patient With Acromegaly, Cheryl Rosenfeld (Abstract)
Submissions from 2015
Pancreas: Do All Roads Lead to Mitochondria?, Amit Mukherji, Omobola Onikoyi, and Vasudeva G. Kamath (Article)
Descriptive Study of Prescriptions for Opioids from a Suburban Academic Emergency Department before New York's I-STOP Act., Lyncean Ung, Ronald Dvorkin, Steven Sattler, and David P. Yens (Article)
Submissions from 2014
Perspectives on: Cyclic Nucleotide Microdomains and Signaling Specificity, Jeffrey W. Karpen (Article)
Submissions from 2013
Tetanus, Joyce Brown (Book Chapter)