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Wellens' syndrome, also regarded as left anterior descending coronary T-wave syndrome, is an electrocardiography (EKG) pattern that indicates critical proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD) stenosis. It is characterized by deeply inverted T-waves or biphasic T-waves in the anterior precordial chest leads in a patient with unstable angina. Patients typically present with symptoms consistent with acute coronary syndrome. We present a unique case of Wellens' syndrome with no angiographic findings of significant stenosis in the proximal LAD but with significant occlusion of the proximal circumflex artery and initial presentation with a chief complaint of epigastric pain and syncope. Physicians need to recognize these characteristic EKG changes during the pre-infarction stage, as they represent myocardial necrosis. Many of these patients eventually develop extensive anterior myocardial infarction with marked left ventricular dysfunction and death if coronary angiography and coronary revascularization are not performed within a few weeks. If Wellens' is seen, patients should undergo urgent cardiac catheterization.


Originally published in Cureus. See

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