
The Touro Teacher

The Touro Teacher is the research journal of the undergraduate education program of the Lander College of Arts and Sciences.

The Journal is dedicated to the many Touro College Students who have been fascinated by the history and philosophy of education from ancient times to the present. The focus of the research in the journal is based upon the question: How did education in the past influence education in the present? By examining the past, we develop a better understanding of how education in today's schools came about.

Current Volume: Volume 1 Spring 2017

Section I: Autism and Special Education


The Evolution of Autism
Shuli Finkelman


Special Education
Chana Winner

Section II: Curriculum and Instruction


Debbie Hoffman

Section III: Women's Education

Spring 2017 cover

Editor and Advisor

Tamar Gomez
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Avi Brezak, Chair of Undergraduate Education & Special Education