Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Education (MEd)

MA Concentration

Educational Technology


Digital creative freedom, digital learners, digital creators


Roger Pence, Helen Hawley, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


The purpose of this research is to determine the extent in which allowing students digital creative freedom over an assignment increases their engagement and achievement, if at all. Engagement and achievement have been in decline in the researcher's classroom for the past several years and this research is an attempt to find new ways to incorporate technology and creativity into learning to spark interest and academic success. The study is made up of 101 students in the researcher's English 11 classes. The students were divided into two groups. One group completed a traditional written book report with very strict guidelines, and the other group completed a digital book report with very loose guidelines that allowed them to create any digital product they wanted. The finished products were scored using similar rubrics and the results were then compared.

Qualitative data was also gathered via pre and post surveys. Analysis of the collected data showed that students preferred to complete the traditional book report. Additionally, in general, students scored higher on the traditional book reports. However, certain subgroups, particularly male and special needs students, scored higher on the digital book report, suggesting that the idea of digital creative freedom may be beneficial for them.

Price, Ryan - Poster.pptx (1449 kB)
