
Marc Gordan

Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Arts in Education (MA)

MA Concentration

Special Education


Accommodations, modifications, I.E.P., FAPE, NCLB, special education, general education, middle school


Roger Pence, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


This field project examines the significance of accommodating and modifying the general education curriculum for students with learning disabilities. Students with learning disabilities usually have a legal document called an l.E.P. (Individualized Education Plan) that contains accommodations and modifications that help these students access the curriculum. Special education teachers give the accommodations and modifications to the general education teachers so that they can align the assignments and tests with each student's set of accommodations and modifications. Some teachers follow the accommodations and modifications, some do not. This study will examine what happens when the accommodations and modifications are implemented and when they are not. Three middle school resource students were given a test to see how they would perform with their accommodations and modifications and without them. When allowed to use their accommodations and modifications, the students performed well. When not allowed to use them, all three students were unable to complete the assignment. This outcome leads the researcher to believe that students with learning disabilities would not be able to access the curriculum without the implementation of their accommodations and modifications.

Gordon, Marc Poster.pdf (177 kB)
