
Kate Gauger

Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Education (MEd)

MA Concentration

Educational Technology, Innovative Learning


Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


Preparing students for their future is a different endeavor than it was 20 years ago. Educators are faced with the monumental task of realigning instruction and curriculum to meet the needs of students who have been changed by the influence of ubiquitous technology in their lives. The charge is made even more challenging with the absence of reliable technology and adequate professional development. Yet teachers can and do innovate at the classroom level in an effort to provide every student a meaningful education. An approach called MOVE is an example of such innovation that ties together proven teaching strategies with powerful 21st century methodologies. MOVE stands for Motivation for Mastery, Opportunity to Lead the Learning, Voice for Communication and Collaboration, and Engagement through Technology. These controlling concepts guide the learning process in the classroom from teacher-led, powerful first instruction to student-led, project-based learning. The result is a balanced methodology that supports a strong academic foundation of skills and knowledge within the context of relevant and authentic topics.

Gauger, Kate poster.pdf (680 kB)
