Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Arts in Education (MA)

MA Concentration

Teaching and Learning


Dan Beltramo, Jim O'Connor


The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum classroom mixture of technology and text books. Staying within the state guidelines, using the state standards and district approved text books, and still being able to give the students the best possible education was the problem. The literature review attempts to show the need for technology integration into the classroom, considering benefits and limitations as well as teacher hesitancy, and to show strategies for using a combination of text books and technology, for classroom instruction, based on various students' unique needs. Surveys were administered to the students in one classroom and to the entire staff of teachers at a continuation high school. A variety of "technology in the classroom" questions were contained in these surveys. The participants of the survey included: students - all male, mostly minorities, and at-risk; and teachers - all white; mostly female. In addition the same classroom of students completed four journal topics on the uses of technology in their classroom in the current and in the previous school years. Results of the journals and surveys were tabulated, summarized and connected to the results from the literature review.
