Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Arts in Education (MA)

MA Concentration

Urban Education


Pamela Redmond, Happy Johnson


The current condition amongst schools in Vallejo, California is appalling. High schools in Vallejo are not graduating students at an acceptable rate. African American males are dropping out at incredible rates. Vallejo Unified School District currently has a graduation rate of 60.4%. The dropout rate amongst African American males is on a steady incline and currently it is at about 15.2%. There is a need for a program that will aid in the decline of dropouts amongst the community.

This paper defines a project that will set African American males up for success and foster positivity at the same time. The mentor program will help them work towards building interpersonal skills and relationships along with improving self-confidence, attitudes toward school, and academic achievement. Research shows that mentoring programs have been proven to provide benefits to youth.
