Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Arts in Education (MA)

MA Concentration

Teaching and Learning


Beginning theatre curriculum, beginning drama curriculum, proficient theatre, proficient drama, theatre units, theatre model curriculum, high school theatre, high school theatre curriculum, standards-based arts instruction, standards-based theatre curriculum, high school drama


Roger Pence, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


This paper examines the research surrounding and execution of creating a model curriculum for a beginning theatre course at the high school level. First, the background of arts and theatre education in the United States of America is reviewed. The need for strong standards-based theatre education is established. A review of literature is given which covers three themes: benefits of arts education, standards-based instruction in the arts, and teacher education. Multiple studies of the positive effects of arts education on academic achievement, as well as research articles claiming that the arts content areas will not be taken seriously if they aren't taught at the same standards-based rigorous level of the other core content areas, present the need for a strong standards-based curriculum in a proficient level high school theatre course. Finally, an explanation into the process of the creation of the model curriculum gives the reader a clear picture of how and why the document was created in the way that it was. Concluding thoughts and an evaluation of the projects strengths and limitations follow.

Beeson, Sheena poster.pdf (522 kB)
