Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Arts in Education (MA)

MA Concentration

Special Education Autism Spectrum Disorder, Special Education


behavior, behavior management, self-management, inclusion, frequency, data, time on task, classroom procedures, self-advocacy


Linda Haymes, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


Having an understanding of self-management strategies allows for increased inclusion in general settings with minimal support people or intervention, facilitating a naturalistic learning environment. Through self-evaluation rubrics and daily checklists targeting classroom procedures, time on task and self-advocacy skills, two ninth grade students identified areas of growth and took frequency data for five weeks. Percentage data from the daily checklists show consistent ability to follow procedures and stay on task while self-advocacy was more inconsistent, indicating a need for further research and possibly more specific intervention in this area. Future research comparing teacher data versus student data is also a possible area of study. Post-intervention self-evaluation rubrics show consistent data with daily intervention checklists.
