
Lynn Alamillo

Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Arts in Education (MAEd)

MA Concentration

Educational Technology, Innovative Learning


Happy Johnson, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


Learning in the 21st Century dictates the need for all students to have access to technology tools in the classroom. Through the use of technology, students learned and utilized new skills to aid them in improving essential critical thinking and problem solving skills. New methods of teaching and learning with technology provided additional benefits to all students. Cooperation, collaboration and responsibility were key life skills that all students practiced and utilized. Integrating digital storytelling into the primary science classroom was yet another method of using technology to enhance the learning experience, reinforce key concepts, and assess knowledge. This research project dealt with introducing and integrating digital storytelling in the primary science classroom. Early elementary students successfully created and produced science reports in a digital story format. Digital storytelling provided students with an opportunity to teach their peers science content while learning and utilizing technology skills. This project-based active learning increased student enthusiasm and motivation for science.
