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student agency, motivation, voice and choice, technology


Educators across America are under a great deal of pressure to produce students who are critical thinkers capable of working and thriving in diverse and highly competitive environments, all while applying knowledge of 21st century skills. A major obstacle in achieving this is a lack of student agency,or desire and responsibility of students to take control of their own learning. This study focuses on 9th-10th grade English classes at Calistoga Junior/Senior High School, asking: what can teachers do to promote an increased sense of student agency? It examines the impact of student voice and choice and educational technology in raising the levels of engagement, motivation, and learning. This study incorporates student opinions about their learning and pre/post treatment scores. The findings suggest that when students are allowed to have input into what they study in school, they feel connected and more interested. Additionally, technology integration contributes to personalization and differentiation, which targets students’ weak areas.
