Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Education (MEd)

MA Concentration

Educational Technology


Education, high school, physical education, website


Roger Pence, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


Young, energetic and passionate teachers have infiltrated the world of physical education with one goal in mind: to bring physical education out of the dark days and into the forefront of the twenty-first century. Physical education classes continue to be the largest in the school, often double the size of an academic class. However, teachers are incorporating new technologies to provide students a quality physical education experience, as well as, the skills and tools needed to live an active and healthy lifestyle.

Through the use of an online drag-and-drop website builder, a physical education department website was developed that provided students at a northern California high school with constant access to materials taught in class. Students also used the website to complete assignments when they were unable to participate in class due to injury, illness or absence. The website allowed parents to access valuable class materials and provided a direct line of communication to the teacher. In order to improve the quality of physical education parents need to be empowered with knowledge of how to help lead their children to making positive life choices. This project has shown that a robust physical education department website is a powerful tool for teachers to share valuable and life changing information.
