Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Education (MEd)

MA Concentration

Educational Technology


Dan Beltramo, Jim O'Connor


Numerous high school students, including many who are enrolled in career and technical education (CTE) courses; do not have the math skills necessary for today's high-skill workplace or college entrance requirements. Entry-level jobs of the past simply do not exist or require increasingly more training than a high school diploma. This study tests a model for enhancing mathematics instruction in a high school CTE program (automotive technology). Volunteer CTE teachers will conduct a survey to access the level of math completed by their students. Volunteer math teachers will conduct a similar survey. Comparisons will be made of the results of the surveys. CTE teachers will work with math teachers to develop CTE instructional activities that integrated more mathematics into the occupational curriculum. CTE teachers will also work with the schools' Computer Technology teacher in an attempt to discover ways that technology can enhance math skills in CTE courses.
