Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Arts in Education (MA)

MA Concentration

Urban Education, Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Education


Enrique Dominguez Deleon, Pamela Redmond, Lisa Palacios


This project responds to studies of good nutrition and healthy food choices for children and the connections they have to academic performance in preschool, as well as the impact parental involvement has on a child’s predictive success in preschool. It is hypothesized that children whose parents are involved and adopt a healthy lifestyle with nutritious food choices for their families have children who often perform to a higher standard in school activities. To assist in raising the awareness of preschool children and their families, a week-long curriculum unit about good nutrition and healthy food choices was developed, culminating in a one-hour evening workshop for students and their families in which they share healthy meal planning techniques and receive supportive recommendations.
