Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Education (MEd)

MA Concentration

Educational Technology


Collaborative classroom website, educational website development, interactive website, parent website use, student website use, teacher website use


Roger Pence, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


An interactive class website constructed jointly with parents and students provides teachers with an invaluable instructional tool to propel learning beyond classroom walls. This underutilized venue has the potential to bridge the divide between home and school by developing a reciprocal relationship between parents, students and teachers. An interactive website serves as a launch point for students to develop necessary skills to be competitive in the digital age and can provide a platform for educators to deliver a pedagogy that addresses the needs of the 21st century learner. The purpose of this project is to determine the effect of a collaborative classroom website on parents, students, and teachers as measured by their level of involvement with the website, and subsequently, to what extent students acquire 21st century technology skills.
