COVID-19 Popular Press
Submissions from 2023
Vaccine Trials and Halacha: Should We Participate? (News Article)
Submissions from 2022
A Pharmacist Serving His Country (News Article)
Submissions from 2021
Golden Rainbow, Touro University to host vaccine incentive events (News Article)
Organization offering$50 incentive to get vaccinated (News Article)
10 Work-From-Home Cybersecurity Tips: How to Protect Your Devices and Data While Working Remotely (News Article)
Tip of the Week: Point of Care Testing Positions Pharmacy for Future Care (News Article)
Touro Covid-19 vaccine campaign tops 2,500 jabs (News Article)
Edison therapist awarded for excelling during pandemic (News Article)
Touro, Town Square library team up for Covid-19 vaccinations in Vacaville (News Article)
The Decline of Hybrid Learning for This School Year, in 4 Charts (News Article)
Touro CARES COVID-19 Vaccination Event @ Vacaville Town Square Library (News Article)
Touro, Solano library team up for free vaccine clinic next week in Vacaville (News Article)
Rosh Hashanah: A New Year with New Opportunities: A Message From Dr. Alan Kadish, President of the Touro College & University System (News Article)
Students — and adults — roll up their sleeves at Hogan Middle School in Vallejo – Times-Herald (News Article)
Touro, Solano, hospital groups team for free vaccine clinic in middle school gym (News Article)
Touro University doctors studying COVID impact to immune system (News Article)
Touro University Nevada seeking healthy volunteers for COVID-19 study (News Article)
Fourteenth Symposium on COVID-19. What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned? (News Article)
Touro University Nevada seeking healthy volunteers for COVID-19 study (News Article)
The Week Ahead: Former US Surgeon General Adams to speak at Touro series (News Article)
Tips for Teaching Asynchronously Online in Fall 2021 (News Article)
Vallejo City Unified School District partners with Touro for vaccine workshop – Times-Herald (News Article)
Against All Odds: Touro College Traveled Abroad for Israel Summer Study Tour (News Article)
CVS – The Pharmacist and COVID-19 | Touro College of Pharmacy (News Article)
Immunize Nevada Partners With Touro University and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation to Host COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic (News Article)
The Pharmacist and COVID-19: Gretchen Marcelino, PharmD, Immunizes Patients During Pandemic and Connects on a Personal Level (News Article)
Vax Nevada Days winners announced, two drawings left (News Article)
6th round of Vax Nevada Days winner announced at Touro University in Las Vegas (News Article)
Vax Nevada Days winners announced at Touro University (News Article)
Former US surgeon general to speak in Touro fall series (News Article)
Touro College COVID-19 Plans 2021-2022 (News Article)
The Week Ahead: Touro University offers webinar on education after pandemic (News Article)
10 potential symptoms of a COVID-19 breakthrough you shouldn’t ignore (News Article)
5 Tips You Need to Know When Teaching Post-Pandemic (News Article)
Touro University seeks volunteers for COVID study (News Article)
Applied Behavior Analysis Programs Open House (News Article)
Thirteenth Symposium on COVID-19: What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned? (News Article)
International Agent: Julien Manyong Fights Global Poverty Through the Pandemic and Beyond (News Article)
Landing a Dream Internship in a Virtual World: Lander Career Guidance Office Helps Secure Vital Internships Amid Pandemic (News Article)
New Solano Covid-19 cases double in 2 days as active cases continue steady climb (News Article)
Fairfield-Suisun schools, Touro team for Covid-19, Tdap vaccination dates (News Article)
NYMC highlights $1M in state funds for disaster training (News Article)
Kaiser Permanente Napa-Solano Provides Equitable Access To Covid-19 Vaccines Among Those Disproportionately Affected By The Pandemic (News Article)
Doctors Debunk 9 Popular COVID-19 Vaccine Myths and Conspiracy Theories (News Article)
Twelfth Symposium on COVID-19: What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned? (News Article)
AREA15 to host 'Vaccines After Dark' vaccination site in partnership with Clark County, June 14 (News Article)
Rosen Visits Touro University’s East Las Vegas Vaccine Clinic, Highlights Importance of Getting Vaccinate (News Article)
Immunize Nevada Partners with Touro University, Councilwoman Olivia Diaz and U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen to Host COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic (News Article)
As vaccine interest wanes, Las Vegas pop-up clinics offer doses of fun (News Article)
Iconic ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ Sign Hosts Pop-Up Vaccine Clinic (News Article)
Touro Social Work Student Presents Research at New York Academy of Medicine (News Article)
Solano Public Health partners with Touro University to offer COVID-19 vaccines (News Article)
Solano Public Health partners with Touro University to offer COVID-19 vaccines – Times-Herald (News Article)
Solano Covid clinics available for 12- to 17-year-olds, and up (News Article)
Barbara Rumain, Touro College – Teenagers are More Susceptible to Getting COVID-19 then Older Adults (News Article)
CCSD, Nevada colleges sticking with face mask mandates (News Article)
Welcome Las Vegas Sign to offer free vaccinations on site May 24 (News Article)
Touro University graduates prepared to enter medical field during pandemic (News Article)
Bringing Quality Healthcare to Underserved Communities: TouroCOM Alum Dr. Sheneen Lalani Fights Diseases Across the Country (News Article)
Nevada System of Higher Education drafting COVID-19 vaccine mandate plans (News Article)
Pandemic Highlights Importance of Pharmacists: Six TCOP Seniors Talk About Their Futures in Pharmacy with Great Optimism (News Article)
Touro University Nevada to require COVID-19 vaccinations (News Article)
Touro University Nevada to require proof of COVID-19 vaccinations (News Article)
Vaccines at Cinco De Mayo event (News Article)
Eleventh Symposium: COVID-19 as of April 8, 2021 (News Article)
Selling the COVID-19 vaccine to skeptical consumers (News Article)
Tip of the Week: Managing Work-related Stress and Burnout (News Article)
Eligible homeless receive COVID vaccinations (News Article)
Vaccinating people experiencing homelessness in Nevada (News Article)
Touro College of Dental Medicine celebrates GKAS (News Article)
Study Shows Higher Rate of COVID-19 in Teenagers Than Older Adults (News Article)
Touro hosts 'virtual' 5K run (News Article)
Vaccinating the vulnerable: Medical students vaccinate homebound seniors at pop-up clinic (News Article)
COVID Vaccines: Solano County Officials Approve Plans For Mass Vaccination Site At Fairgrounds In Vallejo (News Article)
With interest in health care careers soaring, Touro College sees pandemic’s impact (News Article)
The Virus in the Age of Madness: A Conversation with Touro President Dr. Alan Kadish & Author Bernard-Henri Lévy (News Article)
Tenth Symposium on COVID-19: What Have We Learned? How Can We Use What We Have Learned? (News Article)
Tenth Symposium: COVID-19 as of February 18, 2021 (News Article)
Seniors in the Las Vegas Asian community receive COVID-19 vaccine (News Article)
Dr. Kadish Discusses Truths and Myths About Covid Vaccine (News Article)
TCOP White Coat Ceremony Goes Virtual 59 Student-Pharmacists Welcome New Responsibilities (News Article)
Nursing, medical students play key role in COVID vaccination drive (News Article)
TUC COP students help with California vaccine rollout (News Article)