Submissions from 2024
Psalm 51: The Song of Repentance, Judith Bleich (Article)
Stealing the Opponent’s Thunder: Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch and Reform, Judith Bleich, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Ish U-Pekudato: The Mission-Driven Leadership of Dr. Bernard Lander, Stanley Boylan, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Print Power: Rabbinical Authority Established Through the Printed Word, Simcha Fishbane, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Ha-Tov v’ha-Meitiv: Contemporary Scholarship in Jewish Studies—Essays In Honor of the 50th Anniversary of Touro University, Simcha Fishbane and Eric M. Levine (Book)
Introduction, Alan H. Kadish, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Silent or Outspoken? Jewish Leadership and the Dreyfus Affair, Zvi Jonathan Kaplan, Lauren Gottlieb Lockshin, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
The Holocaust of the Polish Jews: Political History, Contested Memory, Stephan Lehnstaedt, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
The Methodologies of Rabbi Moshe Tendler as a Posek, John D. Loike, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Revisiting the Portuguese Jewish Response to the Influx of Refugees From the Spanish Expulsion, Michael Shmidman, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Toward a Typology of Leadership, Mervin Verbit, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2023
Biographies of Belonging in the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun and Hana Kubátová (Article)
Home as an Uncanny Site of Violence in Polish-Jewish Autobiographical Texts on the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun and Karolina Szymaniak (Article)
In Memoriam: Rebbetzin Bruria David, Judith Bleich (Article)
The Supra-Legal Materials in Rabbi Avraham’s Danzig’s Haye Adam, Simcha Fishbane, Daniel Maoz, and Esther R. Mayer (Book Chapter)
Yahrzeit: A Day of Fortune or Misfortune?, Simcha Fishbane, Daniel Maoz, and Esther R. Mayer (Book Chapter)
Book Review: Pirke Avot: A Thesaurus—an Annotated Bibliography of Printed Hebrew Commentaries, 1485-2015, Michael Shmidman (Article)
Isadore Twersky's Unique Contribution to the Study of the Guide of the Perplexed, Michael Shmidman (Article)
Submissions from 2022
Precarious Muse: Holocaust Studies and Polish Jewish Studies, Natalia Aleksiun (Article)
Crossing the Line: Violence Against Jewish Women and the New Model of Antisemitism in Poland in the 1930s, Natalia Aleksiun, E. Bemporad, and G. Dynner (Book Chapter)
Book Review: The Rabbi of Buchenwald: The Life and Times of Herschel Schacter, Judith Bleich (Article)
Parashat Zakhor – a Mitzva of Identification, Judith Bleich (Article)
The Case of Yahrzeit: A Memory Stimulator, Simcha Fishbane (Article)
What Is the Basis of a Rabbi's Authority? Three Case Studies: Rabbi Avraham Danzig; Rabbi Yirsrael Meir Hacohen, the Hafez Haim; Rabbi Yecheil Mechel HaLevi Epstein, Simcha Fishbane (Book)
Book Review: Judaism Examined: Essays on Jewish Philosophy and Ethics, Michael Shmidman (Article)
Submissions from 2021
A Virtual Conversation on Writing Jewish History, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Conscious History: Jewish Historians before the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Conscious History: Jewish Historians before the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Family Affairs: Writing Parents’ Stories, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Historiography from the Margins? Writing Polish Jewish History before the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Holocaust Historians on Trial in Poland: What is At Stake, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Intimate Violence: Jewish Testimonies about the Holocaust in Eastern Europe, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Jewish Ruptures, Mourning and Belonging, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Polish Jewish Historians before the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Respondant to “Jewish Female Students’ Resistance Against Ghetto Benches and Silencing Their Voices at the Stafan Batory University in Wilno”, Natalia Aleksiun (Response or Comment)
Talking Memory - Defending Holocaust Scholarship, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Talking Memory - Defending Holocaust Scholarship, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
The Anatomy of Antisemitism Jews, Cadavers and the Politics of Medical Discourse in East Central Europe, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
The Jews of Italy during the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Uneasy Bonds: Jews in Hiding and the Making of Surrogate Families, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Introduction, Natalia Aleksiun and Sonia Caplan (Book Chapter)
A Familial Turn in Holocaust Scholarship?, Natalia Aleksiun, Denisa Nešťáková, Katja Grosse-Sommer, Borbála Klacsmann, and Jakub Drábik (Book Chapter)
Psalm 51: The Song of Repentance, Judith Bleich (Article)
The Yom Haatzmaut debate and the American Yeshiva World's declaration of independence, Zev Eleff (Article)
Beyond a Code of Jewish Law: Rabbi Avraham Danzig’s ḤAyei Adam, Simcha Fishbane (Book)
Fire Symbolism in Jewish Law and Ritual, Simcha Fishbane (Book)
Jewish Pride in Rabbi Avraham Danzig’s Hayei Adam as Instantiated in the Aleinu Hymn, Simcha Fishbane (Article)
Eretz Yisrael Kedushta Lema'aleh Mi-Kol Ha'aratzot: Tefisas Ha-Golah Be'Olam Ha-Mishnah, Simcha Fishbane, H. Hazan, R. Sharaby, and I.E. Cicurel (Book Chapter)
The Jewish Intellectual Tradition: A History of Learning and Achievement, Alan H. Kadish, Michael A. Shmidman, and Simcha Fishbane (Book)
The Bernese Group: A Major Joint Polish-Jewish Rescue Operation, Mordecai Paldiel, Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz, and Alan Schneider (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2020
anna Tokarska-Bakir:Terror in Przedborz, The night of May 26-27, 1945, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
A Search for Family Members and Jewish identity after the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Concept, Introduction and Moderation of the Series “Family Affairs.”, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Conscious History: Polish Jewish Historians before the Holocaust– the first discussion in a series “What's new, what's next?”: Debates on Newly Published Books in the Field of Jewish Studies, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Conscious Jewish History, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Crossing the Line: Violence against Jewish Women and the New Model of Antisemitism in Poland in the 1930s, Natalia Aleksiun (Article)
Dissecting Antisemitism, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
German Jews in Nazi Germany, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Grzegorz Gauden’s Lwów - kres iluzji. Opowieść o pogromie listopadowym 1918, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Holocaust testimonies: In eastern europe in the immediate postwar period, Natalia Aleksiun (Book Chapter)
Imagined Motherland. Zionism in Poland after the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Jewish Responses to Numerus Clausus in Interwar Poland, Anti-Jewish Quotas in Central Europe, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Jewish Women’s History and Gender: Sources, Methods, and Approaches, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Jews in Galicia Imagine Independent Poland, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
New Approaches to the Jewish Family in the Twentieth Century: Between Nation, State and Empire, Natalia Aleksiun (Response or Comment)
Polish Jewish History as Women’s History, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Roundtable on the book “Jewish and Romani Families in the Holocaust and its Aftermath” ed Eliyana R. Adler and Katerna Capkova, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Search for Jewish Family in Eastern Europe, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Students Carrying the Sticks– the November Pogrom in Wilno, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Suddenly Orphaned. Jewish Children in Hiding during the Holocaust., Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Testimony as Activism: Archives of Displacement, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
The Search for Surviving Family in Eastern Europe, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
When Fajga Left Tadeusz. The Afterlife of a War Relationship, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Social Networks of Support, Natalia Aleksiun, Simone Gigliotti, and Hilary Earl (Book Chapter)
Friendship: The Ties That Bind, Judith Bleich (Presentation)
Book Review: Nationalism, war and Jewish education: from the Roman empire to modern times, by David Aberbach, Zev Eleff (Article)
Piety and the Pill: American Orthodox Judaism and the Contraception Debate in the Postwar Era, Zev Eleff (Article)
Dignity or Debasement: The Destitute in the World of Mishnah, Simcha Fishbane (Book Chapter)
Marginal Person and/or Marginal Situation: The Convert in Mishnah, Simcha Fishbane (Book Chapter)
“The Land of Israel Is Holier Than All Lands”: Diaspora in Mishnah’s Cosmos—The Message, Simcha Fishbane (Book Chapter)
Exploring Mishnah's World(s): Social Scientific Approaches, Simcha Fishbane, Calvin Goldscheider, and Jack N. Lightstone (Book)
Rebuilding the Temple in Medieval Western Europe, Dana W. Fishkin (Presentation)
The Jewish Intellectual Tradition: A History of Learning and Achievement, Alan H. Kadish, Michael A. Shmidman, and Simcha Fishbane (Book)
Review: Rashi's "Commentary on the Torah": Canonization and Resistance in the Reception of a Jewish Classic, by Eric Lawee, Michael A. Shmidman (Article)
Review: Torah of the Mind, Torah of the Heart: Divrei Torah of the Talner Rebbe, HaRav Yitzhak (Isadore) Twersky, D. Shapiro ed., Michael A. Shmidman (Article)
A Fourteenth-Century Anti-Maimonidean's Attitude toward Philosophy and Aggadah, Michael A. Shmidman, Yitzhak Berger, and Chaim Milikowsky (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2019
Coming of Age During the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Conflicting Ethno-Spaces in Multi-Ethnic Cities. The Example of Lwów, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Crossing the Line - Violence Against Jewish Women and the New Model of Antisemitism in Poland in the 1930s, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Girls Coming of Age during the Holocaust: Gender, Class, and the Struggle for Survival in Eastern Europe, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Girls Coming of Age during the Holocaust: Gender, Class, and the Struggle for Survival in Eastern Europe, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Holocaust Research: Memory and Politics, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
In Extremis: Family Networks in the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Intimate Violence: Jewish Testimonies on Victims and Perpetrators in Eastern Galicia, Natalia Aleksiun (Article)
Jewish Daily Life in Nazi Germany, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Jewish Families in the Holocaust: Prewar Life Shaping Wartime Experiences, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Jewish Responses to the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Kristallnacht: History and Significance, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
Microhistory of Emotions: The Afterlife of Wartime Relationships in Lwów., Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)
New Historiography of the Holocaust, Natalia Aleksiun (Presentation)