
Submissions from 2024


Video Dilemma: FERPA , Title IX, and Faculty Oversight, Shmuel Fink, Laurie Bobley, Alan Sebel, and Sabra E. Brock (Book Chapter)


The Methodologies of Rabbi Moshe Tendler as a Posek, John D. Loike, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)

Submissions from 2023


The Jewish Perspectives on Xenotransplantation, John D. Loike and Moshe D. Krupka (Article)


Inclusive Random Sampling in Graphs and Networks, Yitzchak Novick and Amotz Bar-Noy (Article)

Submissions from 2022


Ukrainian Jewish Encounter Timeline (Part 1): From Antiquity to 1914, Henry M. Abramson (Article)


Time of Day Differences in Appetite and Gut Hormone Responses to Meal and Stress Challenges in Adults with Normal-Weight and Obesity, S. Carnell, A. Papantoni, C.L. Grillot, T. Ungredda, S. Ellis, N. Mehta, J.J. Holst, and Allan Geliebter (Article)


Opinion: The Reproductive Technology Advances No One Asked for Cloning and Parthenogenesis of Humans Wouldn’t Align with Bioethical Principles, John D. Loike and Alan H. Kadish (Article)


A Fair-Cost Analysis of the Random Neighbor Sampling Method, Yitzchak Novick and A. Bar-Noy (Article)


The Purpose of Life in Economics: Weighing Human Values Against Pure Science, L Ramrattan and Michael Szenberg (Book)

Submissions from 2021


“Living with the Times”: Historical Context in the Wartime Writings of Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, Henry M. Abramson, Don Seeman, Daniel Reiser, and Ariel Evan Mayse (Book Chapter)


Finding High-Degree Vertices with Inclusive Random Sampling, Rosa M. Benito, Chantal Cherifi, Hocine Cherifi, Esteban Moro, Luis Mateus Rocha, Marta Sales-Pardo, Yitzchak Novick, and Amotz BarNoy (Book Chapter)


Happiness - Green, Atara Grenadir (Article)


Glimpsing the Infinite in the Microscopic, John D. Loike (Article)


Halakhic Issues Related to Synthetic Biology, John D. Loike, I. Bedzow, and M. Tendler (Article)


Prevalence of COVID-19 in adolescents and youth compared with older adults in states experiencing surges, Barbara Rumain, Moshe Schneiderman, and Allan Geliebter (Article)


Students’ Assessment of Learning Gains with a POGIL-Based Experimental Psychology Laboratory Curriculum., Barbara Rumain, Moshe Schneiderman, Leon Kaganovskiy, and Allan Geliebter (Article)

Submissions from 2020


We Shouldn't Wait for Heaven: How Head/Body Transplantation Causes us to Reevaluate Halakhic Conceptions of Life and Death, I. Bedzow, John D. Loike, and N. Stadlan (Article)

A New World View Out of the Sources of Halakhah, Stanley Boylan (Presentation)


The Age Of Digital Consumer Behavior, Michael Diamantstein (Book)

The Age Of Digital Consumer Behavior, Michael Diamantstein (Book)

RE: Changes in contact patterns shape the dynamics of the COVID-19 outbreak in China, Allan Geliebter, Barbara T. Rumain, and Moshe Schneiderman (Article)


Opinion: Public Health Trumps Privacy in a Pandemic, John D. Loike (Article)


Opinion: Scientists’ Obligations During the COVID-19 Outbreak, John D. Loike (Article)


Opinion: Don’t Disparage the Pace of COVID-19 Research, John D. Loike and Salomon Amar (Article)


Opinion: Making Online Teaching a Success, John D. Loike and Marian Stoltz-Loike (Article)

Prevalence of COVID-19 in Older Adults Compared to Adolescents and Youth in U.S. States Experiencing Surges, Barbara Rumain (Presentation)

The POGIL (Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry-Learning) Experimental Psychology Curriculum is Ideally-Suited for the Zoom Classroom, Barbara Rumain (Presentation)


A Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL)-Based Curriculum for the Experimental Psychology Laboratory, Barbara T. Rumain and Allan Geliebter (Article)

Submissions from 2019


Relationship between binge eating and associated eating behaviors with subcortical brain volumes and cortical thickness, Nadia Abdo, Emily Boyd, Shaunte Baboumian, Spiro P. Pantazatos, and Allan Geliebter (Article)

Judaea Capta: The Roman-Jewish Wars, Henry Abramson (Presentation)

Translation: A Prayer for the Government: Ukrainians and Jews in Revolutionary Times, 1917-1920, Henry Abramson, Anton Kotenko, and Oleksandra Nadtoka (Book)

Murder in the Printshop? The Bizarre Story of the Canonization of the Vilna Shas, Henry M. Abramson (Presentation)

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) of Neural Responses to Visual and Auditory Food Stimuli Pre and Post Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) and Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG)., Shaunte Baboumian, Spiro P. Pantazatos, Shiva Kothari, James McGinty, Jens Holst, and Allan Geliebter (Article)


Weight Loss Following Use of a Smartphone Food Photo Feature: Retrospective Cohort Study., Daniela Ben Neriah and Allan Geliebter (Article)

New Era Marketing, Michael Diamantstein (Book)

Opinion: Biomarkers of Longevity Not Ready for the Clinic, John D. Loike and Ruth L. Fischbach (Article)

Science-based bioethics: A scientific approach to bioethical decision making, John D. Loike and Ruth L. Fischbach (Book)


Opinion: Ethical Challenges in Using iPS Cells to Treat Paralysis, John D. Loike and Martin Grumet (Article)


Opinion: Test Brain-Reviving Technology in Infants First, John D. Loike and Alan H. Kadish (Article)

Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy, Jewish and Catholic Ethical Perspectives, John D. Loike, Jennifer E. Miller, and Moshe Tendler (Article)


Opinion: Develop Organoids, Not Chimeras, for Transplantation, John D. Loike and Robert Pollack (Article)

Opinion: Ethical Boundaries Needed on the Uses of Synthetic DNA, John D. Loike and Robert Pollack (Article)

Opinion: How to Define Life, John D. Loike and Robert Pollack (Article)


A study on the friendship paradox – quantitative analysis and relationship with assortative mixing, Siddharth Pal, Feng Yu, Yitzchak Novick, Ananthram Swami, and Amotz Bar-Noy (Article)


A study on the friendship paradox – quantitative analysis and relationship with assortative mixing, Siddharth Pal, Feng Yu, Yitzchak Novick, Ananthram Swami, and Amotz Bar-Noy (Article)


Quantifying the strength of the friendship paradox, Siddharth Pal, Feng Yu, Yitzchak Novick, Ananthram Swami, and Amotz Bar-Noy (Article)


American exceptionalism: Economics, finance, political economy, and economic laws, Lall Ramrattan and Michael Szenberg (Book)


Paul A. Samuelson and the foundation of international economics, Lall Ramrattan, Michael Szenberg, Robert A. Cord, Richard G. Anderson, and William A. Barnett (Book Chapter)


Couples living with advanced cancer: Ramifications of social isolation and benefits of an embedded social network, Victoria H. Raveis, Sheindy Pretter, Monique Carrero-Tagle, Daniel G. Karus, and Avani Shah (Article)

Franco Modigliani, Michael Szenberg, Lall Ramrattan, R. W. Dimand, and H. Hagemann (Book Chapter)

Submissions from 2018


Should We Tear Down Statues of Khmelnytskyi and Petliura? Contemporary Reflections on Conflicting Visions of National Heroism and Villainy, Henry Abramson (Presentation)

Ukrainians and Jews since HURI, Henry Abramson (Presentation)


Neurobiological Evidence for Attention Bias to Food, Emotional Dysregulation, Disinhibition and Deficient Somatosensory Awareness in Obesity with Binge Eating Disorder, Roni Aviram-Friedman, Nerys Astbury, Christopher N. Ochner, Isobel Contento, and Allan Geliebter (Article)

Cities: Works by Stephanie Beck and Kelly Crabtree, Stephanie Beck (Presentation)

Interactive: Beyond looking [Exhibit], Stephanie Beck (Exhibition)


Change in Brain Volume and Cortical Thickness after Behavioral and Surgical Weight Loss Intervention, Cara Bohon and Allan Geliebter (Article)

Synthesis of the Thought of Maharal, Pachad Yitzchok, and Reb Moshe Shapiro on Rosh Hashana, Barry Bressler (Presentation)


Morning and Afternoon Appetite and Gut Hormone Responses to Meal and Stress Challenges in Obese Individuals With and Without Binge Eating Disorder, Susan Carnell, Charlotte Grillot, Tatiana Ungredda, Stephanie Ellis, Nandini Mehta, Jens Holst, and Allan Geliebter (Article)


Do Investors Still Gravitate to Preferred Habitats on the US Treasury Yield Curve?, Kenneth S. Dreifus, Angelo DeCandia, Elliott Goldberg, and Mohammed Chowdhury (Article)


Introduction to the Columbia University Appetitive Behavior Festschrift in Honor of Anthony Sclafani and Karen Ackroff, Allan Geliebter (Article)


Going to Grandma's House [Cover Art], Atara Grenadir (Article)

Winter Art Exhibit - Group Show, Atara Grenadir (Exhibition)


Empathizing-Systemizing Cognitive Styles: Effects of Sex and Academic Degree, Rachel Kidron, Leon Kaganovskiy, and Simon Baron-Cohen (Article)


Opinion: Consumer DNA Testing Is Crossing into Unethical Territories, John D. Loike (Article)


Opinion: The New Frontiers of Epigenetics, John D. Loike (Article)


Ethical Rejections of Xenotransplantation? The Potential and Challenges of Using Human‐Pig Chimeras to Create Organs for Transplantation, John D. Loike and Alan H. Kadish (Article)


Outer Limits of Biotechnologies: A Jewish Perspective, John D. Loike and Alan H. Kadish (Article)


Will CRISPR Germline Engineering Close the Door to an Open Future?, Rachel L. Mintz, John D. Loike, and Ruth L Fischbach (Article)


Poets on Hymns: “Come, My Beloved, to Greet the Bride”, Yehoshua November (Article)


Intragastric Balloon Treatment for Obesity: FDA Safety Updates., Chinara M Tate and Allan Geliebter (Article)


Shylock in the Lion’s Den: Enacting Exegesis in The Merchant of Venice, Shaina Trapedo (Book Chapter)

Submissions from 2017

Presentation of the Ukrainian Translation of A Prayer for the Government: Ukrainians and Jews in Revolutionary Times, 1917–1920 by Henry Abramson (Kyiv: Dukh i Litera, 2017), Henry Abramson, Leonid Finberg, Tetyana Batanova, Olga Petrova, and Serhiy Hirik (Presentation)

Multi-State Impact of Changes to New Jersey Estate and Income Tax Law, Devorah Baruch (Article)


Psychosocial Influences on Fruit and Vegetable Intake Following a NYC Supermarket Discount, Maria Bernales-Korins, Ian Yi Han Ang, Shamima Khan, and Allan Geliebter (Article)


Neural Correlates of Familial Obesity Risk and Overweight in Adolescence, Susan Carnell, Leora Benson, Ku-Yu (Virginia) Chang, Zhishun Wang, Yuankai Huo, Allan Geliebter, and Bradley S. Peterson (Article)


Modulation of Brain Function with Special Emphasis to Hypothlamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis by Xenohormones, Phytohormones, and Insulin, Sanjoy Chakraborty, Devya Gurung, Soheli A. Chowdhury, and Majeedul H. Chowdhury (Book Chapter)


Sex/Gender Differences in Neural Correlates of Food Stimuli: A Systematic Review of Functional Neuroimaging Studies, Ariana M. Chao, James Loughead, Zayna M. Bakizada, Christina M. Hopkins, Allan Geliebter, Ruben C. Gur, and Thomas A. Wadden (Article)


Sexual Life After Weight Loss Surgery, Alexis Conason, Kimberly J. McClure Brenchley, Andrea Pratt, and Allan Geliebter (Article)


Exhibit: Parallel Lines Meet || Spaces Unbidden and Untamed, Derek Frankhouser and Stephanie Beck (Exhibition)


Paired Editorial: Alcohol Use Risk in Adolescents 2 Years After Bariatric Surgery, Allan Geliebter (Editorial)


The Neuroaesthetics of Art and Happiness, Atara Grenadir (Poster)


Book Review: The Origins of the Thirty Years War and the Revolt in Bohemia, 1618, Richard J. Ninness (Book Review)


Validation of the Night Eating Diagnostic Questionnaire (NEDQ) and its Relationship with Depression, Sleep Quality, “Food Addiction”, and Body Mass Index, Laurence J. Nolan and Allan Geliebter (Article)


At Prayer, Yehoshua November (Poem)


American Exceptionalism: An Appraisal—Political, Economic, Qualitative, and Quantitative, Lall B. Ramrattan and Michael Szenberg (Article)


Samuelson, Paul (1915-2009), Lall B. Ramrattan and Michael Szenberg (Book Chapter)


Collaborative Research in Economics: The Wisdom of Working Together, Lall Ramrattan and Michael Szenberg (Book)


Introduction, Lall Ramrattan and Michael Szenberg (Book Chapter)


Experiential Legal Writing before Law School: Undergraduate Judicial Opinions, Tom Rozinski (Article)

Architectures de Papier [Paper Architecture], Ingrid Siliakus, Mathilde Nivet, Stephanie Beck, Beatrice Coron, and Camille Van Deschwanden (Exhibition)


Intragastric Balloon Treatment for Obesity: Review of Recent Studies, Chinara M. Tate and Allan Geliebter (Article)

Balaam, Rhoda Terry-Seidenberg (Book Chapter)

Ezekiel, Rhoda Terry-Seidenberg (Book Chapter)


Over There: War-Time Posters and Music of the European Theater during WW II, Rhoda Terry-Seidenberg (Poster)


Night Eating Syndrome and Its Association with Weight Status, Physical Activity, Eating Habits, Smoking Status, and Sleep Patterns Among College Students, Najat Yahia, Carrie Brown, Stacey Potter, Hailey Szymanski, Karen Smith, Lindsay Pringle, and Allan Geliebter (Article)

Submissions from 2016


Torsional Rigidity, Isospectrality and Quantum Graphs, Don Colladay, Leon Kaganovskiy, and Patrick McDonald (Article)


Changes in Neural Responsivity to Highly Palatable Foods Following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy, or Weight Stability: An fMRI Study, Lucy F. Faulconbridge, Kosha Ruparel, James Loughead, Kelly C. Allison, Louise A. Hesson, Anthony A. Fabricatore, Amber Rochette, Scott Ritter, Ryan D. Hopson, David B. Sarwer, Noel N. Williams, Allan Geliebter, Ruben C. Gur, and Thomas A. Wadden (Article)


Greater Anterior Cingulate Activation and Connectivity in Response to Visual and Auditory High-Calorie Food Cues in Binge Eating: Preliminary Findings, Allan Geliebter, Leora Benson, Spiro P. Pantazatos, Joy Hirsch, and Susan Carnell (Article)


Is Night Eating Syndrome Associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, BMI, and Depressed Mood in Patients From a Sleep Laboratory Study?, Allan Geliebter, Haley McOuatt, Cora B. Tetreault, Dorina Kordunova, Kathleen Rice, Gary Zammit, and Marci Gluck (Article)

Debasements of Brooklyn, Ira Gold (Book)