
Submissions from 2014


Emotional Processing in Music: Study in Affective Responses to Tonal Modulation in Controlled Harmonic Progressions and Real Music, Marina Korsakova-Kreyn and Jay W. Dowling (Article)

Im Konfessionellen Niemandsland – Neue Forschungsansätze zur Geschichte der Reichsritterschaft zwischen Reformation und Dreißigjährigem Krieg. Das Vermächtnis von Volker Press [In Confessional Nowhere - New Research Projects on the History of Reichsritterschaft Between the Reformation and the Thirty Years War. The Legacy of Volker Press], Richard J. Ninness (Article)


The Authenticity of the James Ossuary, Amnon Rosenfeld, Howard R. Feldman, and Wolfgang E. Krumbein (Article)


Building Stones from a Quarry in Northern Jerusalem Probably Used in the Temple Mount: 5 Years After the Discovery, Amnon Rosenfeld, Tsevi Minster, Shimon Ilani, and Howard R. Feldman (Abstract)


U.S. Patent No. 8,646,910: Vision Training Method Apparatus, Joyce Schenkein (Patent)

Carol Steen Mandalas, Theatre for a New Audience, 360º Series, Carol Steen (Article)


The Hidden World: Art and Synesthesia, Carol Steen (Article)

Fair Copies: Reproducing the English Lyric from Tottel to Shakespeare, Matthew Zarnowiecki (Book)

Submissions from 2013

Affecting Perception: Art and Neuroscience, AXNS Collective, Carol Steen (Article)


Synesthesia and the Artistic Process, Carol Steen, Greta Berman, Julia Simner, and Edward Hubbard (Book Chapter)

Submissions from 2011


Wednesday Is Indigo Blue, by Richard E. Cytowic & David Eagleman, Carol Steen (Article)

Submissions from 2009


Can You See Time?, Carol Steen (Article)

Evidence in Synesthetic Art?, Carol Steen (Article)


Lenguaje Del Color: Sinestesia Cromática en Poesía Y Arte Visual, Carol Steen (Article)


Why Color Synesthesia Involves More Than Color, by David Eagleman, Carol Steen (Article)

Submissions from 2008


What a Synesthete Sees: Or Why Tom Thomson Sends Me Over the Moon, Carol Steen (Conference Proceeding)

Submissions from 2006


Synaesthesia: Bringing Out the Contours, by Frances McDonald, Carol Steen (Article)

Submissions from 2001


Visions Shared: A Firsthand Look Into Synesthesia and Art, Carol Steen (Article)