
Submissions from 2024


A Crinoid Fauna and a New Species of Pycnocrinus From the Martinsburg Formation (Upper Ordovician), Lower Hudson Valley, New York, James C. Brower, Carlton E. Brett, and Howard R. Feldman (Article)


Endemic Brachiopods From the Jurassic Ethiopian Faunal Province, Howard R. Feldman, Robert B. Blodgett, and Rachel Kasztl (Conference Proceeding)


Silent or Outspoken? Jewish Leadership and the Dreyfus Affair, Zvi Jonathan Kaplan, Lauren Gottlieb Lockshin, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)


When Admissions Protocols Become Murky: Unintended Consequences, Sarah J. Klugmann, Laurie Bobley, Alan Sebel, and Sabra E. Brock (Book Chapter)


The Methodologies of Rabbi Moshe Tendler as a Posek, John D. Loike, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)


Method of Forming Peptide-Coated Nanoparticles, Aneta J. Mieszawska, Sylwia A. Dragulska, Mina Poursharifi, Marek T. Wlodarczyk, Ying Chen, John A. Martignetti, and Maxier Acosta Santiago (Article)


Samson Raphael Hirsch's Religious Universalism and the German-Jewish Quest for Emancipation, Moshe Y. Miller (Book)


Advancing Your Agenda, Marian Stoltz-Loike, Laurie Bobley, Alan Sebel, and Sabra E. Brock (Book Chapter)

Submissions from 2023


A Renewed Study of Deerparkian (Late Pragian) Brachiopod Biogeography of Southeastern Laurentia and Its Implications for the Paleogeography of the Present-Day Western Hemisphere, Howard R. Feldman, Robert B. Blodgett, Floyd Gray, Christopher Scotese, and Shoshana Lunzer (Conference Proceeding)


Paleoecology and Depositional Environment of the Upper Ordovician (Katian) Martinsburg Formation on the Shawangunk Ridge, Howard R. Feldman, C.E. Brett, R.B. Blodgett, and M. Hopkins (Conference Proceeding)


Paleoecology and Depositional Environment of the Upper Ordovician (Katian) Martinsburg Formation on the Shawangunk Ridge, New York, Howard R. Feldman, C.E. Brett, R.B. Blodgett, and M. Hopkins (Article)


Bridging Worlds: Poetry and Philosophy in the Works of Immanuel of Rome, Dana W. Fishkin (Book)


Perspective on Equitable Translational Studies and Clinical Support for an Unbiased Inclusion of the LGBTQIA2S+community, Teddy G. Goetz, Krisha Aghi, Christoph Anacker, Diane Ehrensaft, Neir Eshel, Jordan Marrocco, Jared W. Young, and Troy A. Roepke (Article)


The Jewish Perspectives on Xenotransplantation, John D. Loike and Moshe D. Krupka (Article)

Coenothyris (Brachiopoda, Terebratulida) From the Triassic (Ladinian) of Jordan, S.G. Lucas, A.J. Lichtig, G.S. Morgan, A.P. Hunt, Howard R. Feldman, F. Ahmad, R.B. Blodgett, A.A. Hamad, and M. Alqudayh (Book Chapter)

A Re-Evaluation of Triassic Invertebrate Type Specimens of Craton-Bound Strata From the Lower Part of the Glenn Shale, Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, East-Central Alaska, S.G. Lucas, A.J. Lichtig, G.S. Morgan, A.P. Hunt, Howard R. Feldman, R.B. Blodgett, V.L. Santucci, and V.V. Baranov (Book Chapter)

Notes on Some Jurassic (Callovian) Brachiopods From Hamakhtesh Hagadol, Southern Israel, S.G. Lucas, A.J. Lichtig, G.S. Morgan, A.P. Hunt, Howard R. Feldman, R.B. Blodgett, M.A. Wilson, and B.V. Radulović (Book Chapter)


Group Show, Carol Steen (Article)


Pt(II)-PLGA Hybrid in a pH-Responsive Nanoparticle System Targeting Ovarian Cancer, Marek T. Wlodarczyk, Sylwia A. Dragulska, Ying Chen, Mina Poursharifi, Maxier Acosta Santiago, John A. Martignetti, and Aneta J. Mieszawska (Article)

Submissions from 2022


Leptaenella Ventricosa (Hall, 1857) From the Middle Early Devonian (Pragian) of New York and Eastern North America and a Redescription of the Brachiopod Genus Leptaenella Frederiks, 1918., R.B. Blodgett, Howard R. Feldman, C.A. Ver Straeten, V. Baranov, and J.L. Garcia-Alcalde (Article)


Brachiopods of the Glenerie Limestone in New York, Robert B. Blodgett, Howard R. Feldman, Charles Ver Straeten, Alex Bartholomew, and Leah Weiss (Article)


A Crinoid Fauna and New Species of Pycnocrinus From the Martinsburg Formation (Upper Ordovician), Lower Hudson Valley, New York, Carlton Brett, Howard R. Feldman, and Ettel T. Graff (Article)


Engineering and Validation of a Peptide-Stabilized Poly(lactic-co-glycolic) Acid Nanoparticle for Targeted Delivery of a Vascular Disruptive Agent in Cancer Therapy, Sylwia A. Dragulska, Mina Poursharifi, Ying Chen, Marek T. Wlodarczyk, Maxier Acosta Santiago, Peter Dottino, John A. Martignetti, and Aneta J. Mieszawska (Article)


Revision of the Rare Leptaenid Brachiopod Leptaena Ingens Dunbar, 1920 From the Lower Devonian of Western Tennessee, Howard R. Feldman and R.B. Blodgett (Article)


Jurassic Rhynchonellid Brachiopods of Southern Israel, Howard R. Feldman, R.B. Blodgett, and V. Baranov (Article)


The Brachiopod Genus Leptaenella and Its Role in the Late Deerparkian (Late Pragian) Faunal Interval of Southeastern Laurentia., Howard R. Feldman, R.B. Blodgett, and C. Scotese (Article)


Callovian (Middle Jurassic) Sphriganaria (Brachiopoda) From the Jordan Valley (Middle East), Howard R. Feldman, Barbara V. Radulović, and Fayez Ahmad (Article)


A Lifetime in Letters: New Evidence Concerning Immanuel of Rome's Timeline, Dana W. Fishkin (Article)


Breaking Up Is Hard to Do? Restructuring French Jewry in Post-Separation France, Zvi Jonathan Kaplan (Article)


Silent or Outspoken? Re-Examining French Jewish Responses to the Dreyfus Affair, Zvi Jonathan Kaplan and Lauren Gottlieb Lockshin (Article)


Book Review: Faith Fulfilled: Megillat Esther and the Ma’ariv Evening Service for Purim, with Commentary From the Writings of Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits, Compiled and Edited by Reuven Mohl, David B. Levy (Article)


Book Review: The Anatomy of Jewish Law: A Fresh Dissection of the Relationship Between Medicine, Medical History, & Rabbinic Literature, David B. Levy (Article)


Book Review: The Anatomy of Jewish Law: The Prince and the Sufi: The Judeo-Persian Rendition of the Buddha Biographies, David B. Levy (Article)


Book Review: The Apocalypse of Abraham in Its Ancient and Medieval Contexts, David B. Levy (Article)


Book Review: The Coronavirus Pandemic: Historical, Medical, and Halachic Perspectives, David B. Levy (Article)


Opinion: The Reproductive Technology Advances No One Asked for Cloning and Parthenogenesis of Humans Wouldn’t Align with Bioethical Principles, John D. Loike and Alan H. Kadish (Article)


Conference Paper: The Outside Looking In, the Inside Looking Out, Carol Steen (Conference Proceeding)


The Outside Looking In, the Inside Looking Out, Carol Steen (Article)

Submissions from 2021


Spiniplatyceras in the Onondaga Limestone (Devonian, Eifelian) Hudson Valley, New York, R. A. Blodgett and Howard R. Feldman (Article)

Inside and Out, Alone and Together, Esther Boylan (Presentation)


A History of the Worldwide Brachiopod Bibliography and Database: Part I, Howard R. Feldman and Robert B. Blodgett (Article)


A Unique Occurrence of Spiniplatyceras and Atrypa `Reticularis’ in the Onondaga Limestone (Devonian, Eifelian), Howard R. Feldman and Robert B. Blodgett (Article)


Progress Report on an Interactive Map of Key Geological and Fossil Localities Along the Southern Tethyan Margin, Howard R. Feldman and Robert B. Blodgett (Article)

The Significance of Lag Ba'Omer within the days of Sefiras Ha'Omer in the World of Halakhah and Hashkafah, Howard Tzvi Flaum (Article)

Relationships in the Megilah: Lessons for our own lives,, Naomi Klapper (Presentation)

The Making of a Matriarch: Unmasking the Identity of Esther in the Megillah, Yael Krumbein (Presentation)

arasha Terumah: The mishkan as blueprint for the Beit HaMikdash and the home as Beit HaMikdash me'at, bayit ne'aman., David B. Levy (Presentation)


Book Review: Starstruck in the Promised Land: How the Arts Shaped American Passions About Israel, David B. Levy (Article)

Divine Time from Pesah, Sefirat Ha-Omer, counting up to Shavuos, David B. Levy (Presentation)


Essays and Explorations in the Enigmatic, Esoteric, and Mystical Based on Sources in Rabbinic Texts Ad Fontes, IX: II, David B. Levy (Book)

Internet Ethics: A Halakhic Approach, David B. Levy (Presentation)


Israel in the Making: Stickers, Stitches, and Other Critical Practices, David B. Levy (Article)

Lag BaOmer and The Rashbi in Idra Zutra of Sefer HaZohar, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Music and Musical Instruments in the Tanakh, David B. Levy (Article)

Parasha Ki Tisa and Zecher LeMachsit HaShekel, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Rabbinic laws of war and the Three Vows form Shir HaShirim, David B. Levy (Presentation)

The Dead Sea Scrolls: a Halakhic Approach, David B. Levy (Presentation)


The Dreyfus Affair’s Forgotten Hero: Bernard Lazare and the First Modern Fight Against Antisemitism, Lauren Gottlieb Lockshin (Article)


Glimpsing the Infinite in the Microscopic, John D. Loike (Article)


Halakhic Issues Related to Synthetic Biology, John D. Loike, I. Bedzow, and M. Tendler (Article)

Forbidden Fruit, Necessary Evil Or Spiritual Imperative: Perspectives on Secular Studies and the Orthodox Community, David Luchins (Presentation)

Music and Political Theory, Tom Rozinski (Presentation)

The [Un]Hidden Identity of Queen Esther, Shulamit Rubin (Presentation)

Esther: The Tragic Heroine, Mahnaz Shmalo (Presentation)

Hypnagogic Visions: Aluminum Dye Sublimation Prints, Carol Steen (Article)

Painting with Shuman Piano Quintet Op.44 Performed by Martha Argerich Quintet, Carol Steen (Article)

Decoding Esther’s Plan, Marian Stoltz-Loike (Presentation)

Esther’s Plan to Redeem a King, Marian Stoltz-Loike (Presentation)

Esther as High Priest? The Affinity between Purim and Yom Kippur,, Susan Weissman (Presentation)

Submissions from 2020

Women Confronting Authority: Esther, Avigayil and the Miyaldot, Esther Boylan (Presentation)

Maimonides  Laws of Repentance, Stanley Boylan (Presentation)


A literature citation correction: Macfadyen et al., 1935, Howard R. Feldman (Article)


Brachiopod Endemism in the Jurassic Ethiopian Faunal Province, Howard R. Feldman, Robert B. Blodgett, and Elisheva Marcus (Article)

Breaking Up is Hard to Do? French Jews Confront Church-State Separation, 1905-10., Zvi Jonathan Kaplan (Presentation)

5 Wissenschaft des Judentums Bewegung Scholar Research Librarians, David B. Levy (Presentation)

arasha Toldot: The model of Yitchak teaching us how to davon without complaint in mincha related to haftorah Yetro reaching the Hechalot,, David B. Levy (Presentation)

A Rif on Koheleth for Sukkot: The most philosophic text for the most philosophic holida, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Aspects of the Beit HaMikdash, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Author showcase AJL Zoom Book Feature, Essays in the Philosophy and History of Science, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Bereishit: Yesh mi-ayin (creation ex nihilo), 13th Century Kabbalistic paradigms in Provence, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Censorship of Jewish Books: Late Renaissance to Nazi Book Burnings, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Censorship of Rambam's Sefer Moreh HaNevukhim, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Food Folkways as Simanim on Rosh Hashanah, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Hanukkah and the al ha-nissim tefillah, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Jewish Environmental Ethics: Being Hashem's Stewards to Care, Protect, Conserve, and Safegaurd, The World's Eco Systems, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Jewish views on Women's Rights, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Love, Reverence, and Cherishing of Text as a Rabbinic Torah Ethic., David B. Levy (Presentation)

Maftir Yona and the Connection to Hanukkah and the fate of Ninevah, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Metaphors in the Mahzor, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Organization of the Judaic Calendar: From the Sanhedrin to Hillel II to ibn Ezra Mathematical Science of Intercalation, David B. Levy (Article)

Parasha ma'asei: Spiritual journeys, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Rambam's understanding of kishuf and kesem, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Religious Zionism, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Rosh Hodesh in Tanakh, Talmudim, Midrashim, Responsa, and History, David B. Levy (Article)

The Akedat Yitzchak: Hashgahah pratit (Providence) vs. Bechirah (free will) in the Context of Behirah (Hashem's foreknowledge), David B. Levy (Presentation)

The asserot ha-debrot (10 commandments): and the Rabbinic Reception History, David B. Levy (Article)

The Baal HaTurim on Ki Tavo, David B. Levy (Presentation)

The Dead Sea Scrolls: Censorship on Multiple Levels, David B. Levy (Presentation)

The Spiritual, Halakhic, and historical Aspects of Hanukah and the Menorah, David B. Levy (Presentation)

Torah lishma: Ideally a Rabbinic Ethos, David B. Levy (Presentation)