Submissions from 2024
The Socratic Method in Mathematics Lectures, Marius Fahrner, Birgit Wolf, Laurie Bobley, Alan Sebel, and Sabra E. Brock (Book Chapter)
De L’émigration Au Convoi Luxembourgeois Parti Vers ŁÓdź Le 16 Octobre 1941: Structures Des Relations Entre Les Administrations Juives Et Les Autorités Allemandes, Peter Klein and Valentine Meunier (Article)
Research-Based Learning in the Financial Disciplines—Its Importance and Practical Implications?, Anna P. Klippstein, Laurie Bobley, Alan Sebel, and Sabra E. Brock (Book Chapter)
The Holocaust of the Polish Jews: Political History, Contested Memory, Stephan Lehnstaedt, Simcha Fishbane, and Eric M. Levine (Book Chapter)
“This Is Not a Game Any Longer!” Opportunities and Challenges of Advancing Applied Studies by Introducing Computer Simulations, Holger Lüdeke, Laurie Bobley, Alan Sebel, and Sabra E. Brock (Book Chapter)
We Are Not a Virus: Repercussions of Anti-Asian Online Hate During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Identity and Coping Strategies of Asian-Heritage Individuals, Özen Odağ and Jules Moskovits (Article)
Submissions from 2023
Media Use and Political Engagement: Cross-Cultural Approaches| the Role of Media Use in Political Mobilization: A Comparison of Free and Restrictive Countries, Regina Arant, Katja Hanke, Alexandra Mittelstädt, Rosemary Pennington, Audris Umel, and Özen Odağ (Article)
Reframing the Past: The Concept of Genocide in Contemporary Poland, Daniel Brewing and Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Respect, Reflect, Reflect, Revise: Teaching Multicultural Competencies in a Globalized Undergraduate Classroom, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, Jules Moskovits, Birgit Wolf, Tobias Schmohl, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, and Michael Stricker (Book Chapter)
Teaching and Learning in Times of Social Distancing. Synchronous Lecture Formats and Student Competence Development, Marius Fahrner, Birgit Wolf, Christiane Schmieder, Birgit Wolf, Tobias Schmohl, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, and Michael Stricker (Book Chapter)
Die Luftwaffe Im „Dritten Reich“: Verbrechen, Zwangsarbeit, Widerstand, Karin Grimme, Stephan Horn, and Stephan Lehnstaedt (Book)
The Switching Process From Buprenorphine Sublingual Tablets to the Monthly Buprenorphine Subcutaneous Depot Injection in Opioid Dependent Patients, Stephanie Paula Elisabeth Guillery, Sven Reiners, Marius Fahrner, Sören Enge, Rainer Hellweg, Hagen Kunte, and Golo Kronenberg (Article)
Der Umstellungsprozess Von Buprenorphin-Sublingualtabletten Auf Die Monatliche Subkutane Buprenorphin Depotinjektion Bei Opioidabhängigen Patienten - Herausforderungen Und Risiken., Stephanie Guillery, Sven Reiners, Marius Fahrner, Sören Enge, Rainer Hellweg, and Hagen Kunte (Article)
Prevalence and Phenomenology of Sensory Experiences of a Deceased Spouse: A Survey of Bereaved Older Adults, Karina S. Kamp, Edith Maria Steffen, Andrew Moskowitz, and Helle Spindler (Article)
Eichmanns Funktion Und Bedeutung Im Holocaust, Peter Klein, Frank Bajohr, and Sybille Steinbacher (Book Chapter)
I Wojna śWiatowa Jako Model? O Kolonialnych I Imperialnych Tradycjach Niemieckiej Polityki Okupacyjnej W Polsce, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Book Chapter)
Reparationen Und Wiedergutmachung: Aktuelle Entwicklungen Im Deutsch-Polnischen Fall, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Die Ukraine Im Polnisch-Sowjetischen Krieg 1919/20, Stephan Lehnstaedt and Wolfgang Benz (Book Chapter)
Besatzungswirtschaft in Osteuropa - Polen Und Die Sowjetunion, Stephan Lehnstaedt, Marcel Boldorf, and Jonas Scherner (Book Chapter)
Juristen Und Nationalsozialistische Ghettos: Zur Diskurspraxis Des Ghettorentengesetzes 1997 Bis 2009, Stephan Lehnstaedt, Annette Eberle, Thomas Schlemmer, Susanna Schrafstetter, and Alan E. Steinweis (Book Chapter)
Defeating Typhus in the Warsaw Ghetto: A Scientific Look at Historical Sources, Stephan Lehnstaedt, Jeffrey S. Kopstein, Jelena Subotić, and Susan Welch (Book Chapter)
Od ‘Eutanazji’ Do ‘Aktion Reinhardt’ - Próba Nowego Spojrzenia Na Eksterminacje W Komorach Gazowych W Czasach Holokaustu, Stephan Lehnstaedt and Redakcja Tomasz Kranz (Book Chapter)
From ‘Euthanasia’ to ‘Aktion Reinhardt’ – Reassessing Murder by Gassing in the Holocaust, Stephan Lehnstaedt and Tomasz Kranz (Book Chapter)
Imperien Und Nationalbewegungen. Ostmitteleuropa Vom Wiener Kongress Bis Zum Ende Des Ersten Weltkriegs, Stephan Lehnstaedt, Peter Lieb, Martin Rink, Clemens Haug, and Helmut R. Hammerich (Book Chapter)
Der Kern Des Holocaust. Belzec, Sobibór, Treblinka Und Die „Aktion Reinhardt“, Stephan Lehnstaedt, Andreas Stahl, Jakob Hoffmann, Marc Seul, and Stephan Grigat (Book Chapter)
Does Business Familiarity Breed Liking or Critical Distance?, Holger Lüdeke, Sabra E. Brock, Birgit Wolf, Tobias Schmohl, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, and Michael Stricker (Book Chapter)
Language Education as an Antecedent of Management Careers: Findings From a Long-Term Career Panel in Germany, Holger Lüdeke, Reinar Luedeke, Birgit Wolf, Tobias Schmohl, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, and Michael Stricker (Book Chapter)
Effects of Subtle and Blatant Antisemitic and Islamophobic Hate on Ingroups and Outgroups: An Experimental Study, Özen Odağ, Bilge Isakov, Luisa Manrique-Nunez, and Noa Rucchius (Conference Proceeding)
Mixed Methods in Research on the Psychology of the Internet and Social Media, Özen Odağ and Alexandra Mittelstädt (Article)
Media Use and Political Engagement: Cross-Cultural Approaches| Media Use and Political Engagement: Cross-Cultural Approaches—Introduction, Özen Odağ, Frank M. Schneider, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, and Jinhee Kim (Article)
Media Use and Political Engagement: Cross-Cultural Approaches| What Role Does Media Entertainment Play in Emerging Adults’ Political Identity and Engagement Across Cultures?, Frank M. Schneider, Katharina Knop-Huelss, Jinhee Kim, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, Miriam Gröning, Audris Umel, and Özen Odağ (Article)
German Government Bond Yields During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Some Thoughts About Monetary Policy and the Term Premium, Christoph Schwarzbach, Anna P. Klippstein, Johannes Tholl, and Tobias Basse (Article)
Teaching Psychoanalysis at Touro Berlin, Peter Theiss-Abendroth, Birgit Wolf, Tobias Schmohl, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, and Michael Stricker (Book Chapter)
From Splendid Isolation to Global Engagement: Exploring Internationalization in Higher Education, Birgit Wolf, Tobias Schmohl, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, and Michael Stricker (Book)
From Splendid Isolation to Global Engagement: Exploring Internationalization in Higher Education - a Comprehensive Perspective, Birgit Wolf, Tobias Schmohl, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, Michael Stricker, Birgit Wolf, Tobias Schmohl, Larisa Buhin-Krenek, and Michael Stricker (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2022
Politics of Concepts: On the Rediscovery of Raphael Lemkin’s Concept of Genocide in Poland, Daniel Brewing and Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
The Interplay of Ethnocultural Identity and Language: Perceptions and Experiences of Turkish Immigrant Mothers in Home–School–Society Relational Spaces, Hande Erdem-Möbius, Özen Odağ, and Yvonne Anders (Article)
Ethnoreligious Identities in Home–School–Society Relational Spaces: The Case of Turkish Immigrant Parents in Germany, H. Erdem-Möbius, Özen Odağ, and Y. Anders (Article)
Are Sensory Experiences of One’s Deceased Spouse Associated with Bereavement-Related Distress?, K.S. Kamp, Andrew Moskowitz, H. Due, and H. Spindler (Article)
Polen: Völkermord Als Politik, Stephan Lehnstaedt and W. Benz (Book Chapter)
Das Ende Des Ersten Weltkriegs Und Seine Folgen Im Östlichen Europa: Konkurrierende Erinnerungen in Polen, Stephan Lehnstaedt, Márta Fata, and Olivia Spiridon (Book Chapter)
Exploring the Context-Sensitivity of Collective Action Motivations and the Mobilizing Role of Social Media: A Comparative Interview Study with Activists in Germany and Turkey, Özen Odağ, Özden Melis Uluğ, Betül Kanık, and Mia Marina Maganić (Article)
Gemeinnützige Organisationen, M. Stricker and Birgit Wolf (Article)
Traumatic Psychosis in British Military Psychiatry of World War I, Peter Theiss-Abendroth (Article)
Eine Analyse Synchroner Vorlesungsformate in Den Studiengängen Soziale Arbeit Und Pädagogik Der Kindheit, Birgit Wolf and Ludger Kolhoff (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2021
Socio-Spatial Segregation in School-Society Relational Spaces From the Perspectives of Turkish Immigrant Mothers: “Where Are the Germans?”, Hande Erdem-Möbius, Özen Odağ, and Yvonne Anders (Article)
Anwendung Der Sokratischen Methode in Der Mathematik: Eine Untersuchung in Diversen Lernumgebungen, Marius Fahrner (Book)
As if We Had Never Ever Existed. Extermination of Jews as Part of the German Aktion “Reinhardt”, T. Głowinski, Stephan Lehnstaedt, and M. Witold (Book)
Pandemic and Its Impact on the Capital Markets, Anna P. Klippstein, Eliyahu C. Mätzschker, Maxim Boichenko, Shyanne Peterson, Paolo Nuti, Christopher Devon, Larry E. Williams Ii, and Merlin-Cederic (Article)
Aktion Reinhardt – Sources, Research and Commemoration in the Last 30 Years, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Book Review: The Promise of the East: Nazi Hopes and Genocide 1939–43, by Christian Ingrao, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Der Große Nordische Krieg 1700-1721, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Book)
Schuld Ohne Sühne? Deutschland Und Die Verbrechen in Polen Im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Book)
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1733-1795. Light and Flame, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
A “Land Without Quislings”. Collaboration in Poland, Stephan Lehnstaedt, M. Bitunjac, and J. H. Schoeps (Book Chapter)
Im Angesicht Der Vernichtung. Handlungsoptionen Von Jüdinnen Und Juden 1942-43, Stephan Lehnstaedt, C. M. Dolff, J. Gehrke, and C. Studt (Book Chapter)
Przeciwko Hierarchii Ofiar. Wyzwania Związane Z Upamiętnianiem Mniejszości Seksualnych, Stephan Lehnstaedt, L. Van Dijk, J. Ostrowska, and J. Talewicz-Kwiatkowska (Book Chapter)
First Rank Symptoms, Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders: A Commentary on Humpston et al. (2020), Andrew Moskowitz and Martin J. Dorahy (Article)
Identity Dynamics Among Left-Leaning, Politically Active Kurds in Germany: The Role of Perceived Injustice, Collective Efficacy, and Online/Offline Participation, Özen Odağ, Özden Melis Uluğ, and Helin Ünal (Article)
Soziale Dienstleistungen, J. Oertmann and Birgit Wolf (Article)
Sigmund Freud Über Traumatisch Verursachte Psychosen, Peter Theiss-Abendroth (Article)
Die Traumatische Psychose Von 1888 Bis 1945: Von Der Entschädigung Zur Ermordung Betroffener, Peter Theiss-Abendroth, A. Karenberg, and K. Haack (Book Chapter)
How Universal Is Media Entertainment, Really? On the Enriching Potential of Cross-Cultural Approaches for Existing Entertainment Scholarship, Peter Vorderer, Christoph Klimmt, Özen Odağ, and Özen Odağ (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2020
Solvency II and sovereign credit risk: Additional empirical evidence and some thoughts about implications for regulators and lawmakers, Tobias Basse (Article)
Qualitätsentwicklung in Studium und Lehre durch Design-Based Research, Maik Bäumerich, Marius Fahrner, Julia Lühnen, Claudia Strobl, Tanja Richter, and Birgit Wolf (Article)
Popper was not a Positivist: Why Critical Rationalism Could be an Epistemology for Qualitative as well as Quantitative Social Scientific Research, Peter Holtz and Özen Odağ (Article)
Sensory experiences of one's deceased spouse in older adults: An analysis of predisposing factors, Karina Stengaard Kamp, Edith Maria Steffen, Andrew Moskowitz, and Helle Spindler (Article)
Forward-looking financial risk management and the housing market in the United Kingdom: is there a role for sentiment indicators?, F. Kunze, Tobias Basse, M. Rodriguez Gonzalez, and G. Vornholz (Article)
Le Cœur de la Shoah: Bełżec, Sobibór, Treblinka et l'Aktion, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Book)
"Left without giving the Address" Postal Evidence of Persecution and Terror under National Socialism, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Marschall und Mythos: Józef Piłsudski als Held und Feindbild der polnischen Geschichte 1920 bis 2020, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Night Without an End: Fate of Jews in Selected Counties of Occupied Poland, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Poland's World War II About national Paths of History and Memory, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
“Polenfeldzug”. Nazi Crimes during the War against Poland in 1939 and their Place in German Memory, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Polens Zweiter Weltkrieg. Über nationale Pfade von Geschichte und Erinnerung S., Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Postal Evidence of German Occupation in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Traces of Terror: Postal Evidence of the German Concentration Camp System, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)
Besatzungswirtschaft im Generalgouvernement Warschau und in Osteuropa, Stephan Lehnstaedt and Marcel Boldorf (Book Chapter)
Pride and Prejudice. The Central Powers’ Images of Poles and Jews 1915-1918, Stephan Lehnstaedt, John David Deák, Heather R. Perry, and Emre Sencer (Book Chapter)
Gegen eine Hierarchie der Opfer. Herausforderungen beim Erinnern an sexuelle Minderheiten, Stephan Lehnstaedt, Johanna Ostrowska, Joanna Talewicz-Kwiatkowska, and Lutz van Dijk (Book Chapter)
Vernietigingskamp Sobibor: moord, overleven en herdenken, Stephan Lehnstaedt and Rob Pijpers (Book)
The Relationship Between Dissociation and Symptoms of Psychosis: A Meta-analysis, Eleanor Longden, Alison Branitsky, Andrew Moskowitz, Katherine Berry, Sandra Bucci, and Filippo Varese (Article)
Historical and contemporary conceptions of trauma-related dissociation: A neo-Janetian critique of models of divided personality, Andrew Moskowitz and Onno van der Hart (Article)
Mixed Methods, Margrit Schreier, Özen Odağ, Günter Mey, and Katja Mruck (Book Chapter)
Extraordinary curtailment of massive typhus epidemic in the Warsaw Ghetto, Lewi Stone, Daihai He, Stephan Lehnstaedt, and Yael Artzy-Randrup (Article)
Book Review: Narcissistic Depression. Theories and concepts in psychiatry and psychoanalysis by Lukas Zabel, Peter Theiss-Abendroth (Article)
Voices Against Misogyny in Turkey: The Case of a Successful Online Collective Action Against a Sexist Commercial, Ozden Melis Ulug, Özen Odağ, and Nevin Solak (Article)
Submissions from 2019
Österreich-Ungarns imperiale Herausforderungen 1867-1918, Bernhard Bachinger, Wolfram Dornik, and Stephan Lehnstaedt (Book)
The impact of the financial crisis on the dividend policy of the european insurance industry: Additional empirical evidence, Tobias Basse (Article)
Bank Dividend Policy and the European Debt Crisis: Is Sovereign Credit Risk of Relevance?, Tobias Basse, Thomas Bürkle, Frederik Kunze, Christoph Wegener, B. Sabri, and N. D. Khuong (Book Chapter)
Österreich-Ungarns imperiale Herausforderungen, Bachinger Bernhard, Wolfram Dornik, and Stephan Lehnstaedt (Book Chapter)
Verhaltensökonomik als Gegenprogramm zur Standardökonomik, Dennis Alexis Valin Dittrich (Article)
Structural Brain Changes in Psychotic Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, and After Childhood Adversity, Roar Fosse, Andrew Moskowitz, Ciaran Shannon, and Ciaran Mulholland (Book Chapter)
80 Jahre danach: Bilder und Tagebücher deutscher Soldaten vom Überfall auf Polen 1939, Svea Hammerle, Hans-Christian Jasch, and Stephan Lehnstaedt (Book)
Verfolgen und Aufklären - Crimes Uncovered: Die erste Generation der Holocaustforschung - The First Generation of Holocaust Researchers, Hans-Christian Jasch and Stephan Lehnstaedt (Book)
Bereavement hallucinations after the loss of a spouse: Associations with psychopathological measures, personality and coping style, Karina Stengaard Kamp, Maja O'Connor, Helle Spindler, and Andrew Moskowitz (Article)
Bereavement Hallucinations After the Loss of a Spouse: Associations with Psychopathological Measures, Personality and Coping Style, Karina Stengaard Kamp, Maya O'Connor, Helle Spindler, and Andrew Moskowitz (Article)
Vorwort, Peter Klein and Clemens Maria Haertle (Book Chapter)
Der vergessene Sieg: Der Polnisch-Sowjetische Krieg 1919-1921 und die Entstehung des modernen Osteuropa, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Book)
Historischer Antisemitismus im heutigen Polen: Das Beispiel der Narodowe Siły Zbrojne, Stephan Lehnstaedt (Article)