Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Arts in Education (MA)

MA Concentration

Special Education


Teacher collaboration, teacher leadership, special education, co- planning, consultation, teacher self-efficacy


Enrique Dominguez, Pamela A. Redmond


This study measured the effects of evidence-based teacher collaboration on the behavioral and academic performance of students with IEPs. Also measured in this study were the effects of teacher collaboration on teacher self-efficacy. The targeted sample consisted of three focus students (with IEPs) in a sixth grade Social Studies class of 26 students. There was one participating general education teacher. The intervention consisted of the researcher co-planning a Social Studies unit with the cooperating teacher, pre-teaching the students with IEPs, and following up with a post-test to measure academic performance. The researcher also utilized the evidence-based approach of consultation throughout the research. The effects of the consultation and co-planning were measured through the collection of qualitative data including teacher interview and classroom observation. Teacher self-efficacy was measured through administration and analysis of a teacher survey. To assess the effects of the intervention, pre and posttests was administered to measure student academic performance. Although the study was short in duration and limited by a small sample size, the results evidence positive measurable effects of teacher collaboration on student academic performance and behavior. This research revealed that the collaborative techniques of co-planning and consultation positively impact student academic achievement, classroom behavior, and teacher self-efficacy in measurable ways. Based on these findings, several recommendations are discussed for future research.

O'Brien, Erin - Poster.ppt (631 kB)
