Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Education (MEd)

MA Concentration

Educational Technology


Digital homework, educational technology, social networking, Edmodo, special education, students with disabilities, online homework, middle school, homework


Roger Pence, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the implementation of a social networking-based digital homework program would lead to an increase in homework completion. The researcher utilized a pretest-posttest control group design. The participants were 17 students in a middle school special education reading intervention class. The results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference between the homework completion rates of the participants who completed digital homework and those who completed traditional homework. The mean homework completion rate of the digital homework group was 43.37% higher than the traditional homework group. In addition, a survey given at the conclusion of the study indicated that 75% of the participants in the digital homework group preferred the digital homework over traditional homework, and 100% felt that completing the digital homework was faster than completing the traditional homework. The significant results of this study supported the hypothesis that the implementation of the digital homework program would lead to an increase in homework completion. However, given the overall lack of research on this subject, along with the limitations of the study, additional research on social networking­ based digital homework and students with disabilities is highly recommended.
