
Lisa Anne Tom

Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Education (MEd)

MA Concentration

Applied Behavior Analysis


Linda Haymes, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


Neurobiological impairments are symptoms found in individuals with learning disabilities. Executive functioning relates to neurobiological impairments due to its association in the cognitive processes involved with the individual. Research indicates that students with neurobiological impairments exhibit deficits in executive functioning.

In the present study, the self-regulation curriculum “Zones of Regulation” developed by Leah Kuypers (2011) is utilized as a morning check-in program in a special day class for students with mild to moderate learning disabilities. Three students were chosen as subjects of the study due to their similar topographies of executive dysfunction skills in order to determine to what extent implementation of a self-regulation program has an effect with on-task behavior in the classroom.

In two out of three students, data indicated a positive correlation between a social-emotional morning check in program and on-task behavior. While one participant did not improve his on-task behaviors in class, behavior goals measured through his Individual Educational Program (IEP) indicated improvements in unwanted physical contact with peers to half of what was seen during baseline conditions for the study.

The research indicated that a social-emotional curriculum such as the Zones of Regulation may be effective in increasing on-task behaviors and self-regulation strategies for students with neurobiological impairments, specifically those who exhibit executive dysfunction.

Tom, Lisa poster .pdf (345 kB)
