Publication Date


Document Type



Master of Education (MEd)

MA Concentration

Educational Technology


Roger Pence, Helen Hawley, Pamela A. Redmond, Jim O'Connor


"Flipped learning" "Hybrid learning" and "Inverted learning" are all terms used to describe many classes seeking to use 21st century tools to teach to make the best use of class time. The teacher researcher studied the effectiveness of using video technology to extend interaction with the teacher in class and the impact it had on student learning by using a pre- and post-test in a Suburban High School foreign language (Spanish) class.

The researcher uses a control and treatment group to compare traditional direct instruction teaching methods with "Flipped learning" In this mixed method study; the students were exposed to both forms of teaching methods and evaluated on how they perceived the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Both the traditional and "Flipped" method proved to be just as effective. The researcher preformed the study again but switched the control and treatment groups with the same results. The great majority of students highly favored the ''Flipped" model approach due to its flexibility and self-paced nature.

The researcher finds that while over a short period of time following the "Flipped" model did not translate into improved test scores that students were much more motivated. Research with longer time intervals is merited.
